Chapter 34

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The crowd was amazing, hanging on every lyric, every smile he threw their way and every carefully choreographed hip thrust he gave them. Prince and everyone in the band were obviously leaving everything on the stage tonight, even with the crazy torrential rain that threatened to end the show early, but it seemed that even mother nature couldn't stop the force of nature that was Prince.   I'd long since taken up residence on one of the black oversized equipment boxes to the left of the stage and with my simple black heals sitting on the case next to me that was the perch were I watched the performance from. As the beginning of "Baby I'm A star" filled the arena, I knew that was my cue to head backstage soon, but honestly I couldn't resist watching as much of the performance as possible. I hadn't seen him perform in the flesh since the Purple Rain Tour and I was completely taken back by how he'd grown as a performer.  Sure I'd seen bits and pieces of their rehearsal, but live, feeding off the energy of the crowd, there was simply no way to describe the feeling in the space and the way that effected the performance.  Half way through the last song, Prince's head turned in my direction, hair flipping dramatically for the sake of the crowd and his intense gaze fell squarely on mine.  It felt like an eternity but in reality our  eyes only met for a moment, but in that moment a look passed over his features that I'd never seen before; eyes squinting just barely, the quickest half smile raised his lips while he quickly wet his lips and his hips continued to grind the air as he looked away.  I couldn't help but smile broadly and shake my head as I slipped my feet back into my shows and headed back to the dressing room.

I found myself breathing a sigh of relief as I closed the heavy door to his dressing room, pleased to have not crossed paths with any of the women from earlier in the evening.  That awkward encounter with Trina earlier had really come out of nowhere and left me slightly worried about what was to come and worried about whether or not I should tell Prince.  Stepping out of the uncomfortable glossy looking high heals and pushing them under the coffee table in the middle of the room as I grabbed a bottle of sparkling water and took a seat on the purple sofa.  The backstage area was deafeningly quiet, everyone was still onstage, the crew was standing by ready to start breaking down the stage as soon as they were done and the women, well who knows where the hell they are.  Enjoying the momentary quiet I took in the well appointed dressing room Prince had required of each venue we were visiting.  A large overstuffed purple couch made of what almost felt like crushed velvet, various drinks  and fresh fruit filled the table against the opposite wall, a well lit vanity where he currently had various items laid out, everything from his make up to hair products to deodorant. a rolling wardrobe stood next to the vanity, filled with a small selection of garments made for both Prince and myself. A small generic table in the corner was covered with a pristine white tablecloth and covered with various flowers sent from friends and admirers, known and unknown alike. The room was fairly generic on it's own, plain white walls surrounded me, but even with my eyes closed the comforting smell of lavender floating through the air told me this was his space, and no matter where the space was as long as it was his space, I was comfortable.

I started to hear the faint sound of people passing by the door and just as I started to wonder how long it would be before I saw him, the sound of the door opening rang in my ears.  Twisting the cap back onto the bottle of water I glanced over my shoulder and was met with a sight that instantly made my mouth go dry. He walked through the door carrying his shirt; his usually well kept hair disheveled, his cheeks slightly pinker than they were at the start of the night, and a layer of sweat covered every exposed piece of flesh I could lay my eyes on. It was a sight unlike anything I'd every seen before and without a word I stood, setting my bottle on the table and walked around the couch to stand in front of him, with my back to  the couch. He haphazardly threw the sweat soaked shirt toward the vanity as he closed the door and finally made eye contact with me. The green in his eyes was more vibrant than I'd ever seen and before I could manage to say a word plush lips were pressed hard against mine, his tongue desperately searching my mouth, finger digging into my waist, pulling me tight against his sweaty skin, his wet skin colliding against my exposed chest. His loud moan resonated through my mouth, while my arms wrapped around him, hands clamping down hard on those sharp wet shoulder blades.

"I want you right now." his lips not bothering to move off mine as he mumbled those words, his hands roaming down my thighs to the hem of my dress which he quickly pulled up, exposing the black lace thong underneath. I gasped against his lips as a calloused finger slid quickly across my wet core. "Fuck, mama, you're so wet for me." Passionate lips finally parting from me as he brought his glistening finger up to my lips, slowly spreading the wet across my trembling bottom lip, as he watched with half lidded eyes. There was an animal like quality, an intensity behind those nearly green eyes that was nearly frightening, but breathtakingly arousing at the same time. Before I could think any more his lips landed against mine again, devouring the taste he found there as his hands made their way back to my waist. Without warning his fingers cinched down on the soft flesh of my waist, turning me violently towards the couch. "Now mama." the words just barely more than a growl as he bent me over the soft fabric, the harsh sting from the lace of my thong being ripped off my body cascaded through my nerves.

"Prince. . ." I moaned looking over my shoulder just in time to watch his right hand come down sharply against my exposed ass hard enough to jolt me forward and made me moan in pleasure. Before I could gather myself enough to say anything he rigid length slammed into my dripping heat.

"Ah Fuck!" his hips slammed against my ass over and over as his hands pulled hard on the zipper of my dress. My ears filled with the sound of ripping fabric as my dress loosened around me. Hips working hard against me as a stubbly cheek worked up my spine leaving a trail of hot, sloppy kisses against my sensitive skin.

"Ah, Prince, you feel, fu..." The loud crack of his hand against my ass sent an unexpected wave of pleasure surging through my body. His violent thrusts halted, a shaky moan coming from him as trembled against me, his hand moving in small circles against my stinging ass cheek.

"I think you like that." his palm collides with my already stinging skin once more. "mmm, yeah, you squeeze so damn tight when I. . ."

"Prince. . ."

"No talking mama, just take it." his chest laid flat against my bare back as large hands came around me, grasping my now exposed breasts, as he began a more punishing rhythm with his hips.  My breath was lost in the feeling of him pushing into me, the fabric of his barely opened trousers rubbing against the back of my thighs, his balls slapping against my clit, his face buried in the left side of my neck leaving little bites along my sensitive skin between the mumbled curse words that tumbled over his lips. Between the rhythm he was keeping and the his light tugging at my nipples I knew I wasn't going to last much longer, my breath now coming in short forced gasps. The sound of our wet skin and moans was almost enough to drown out every other sound around us, except the click of the handle turning on the door.  Looking over my right shoulder I watched in horrified fascination as the door opened slightly, Prince obviously too lost in the moment to even know what was happening, and I was too close to even think about stopping. Before I saw anyone the voice hit my ears, and my ears only.

"Prince we need to talk about. . ." Trina's voice stopped just as she looked around the door, her eyes landing on mine just as my entire body shook with the power of my orgasm, my eyes falling closed as I forced myself back against him repeatedly, moaning in satisfaction.

"Ah, f, fu, fuck." humid breath pooling in the crook of my neck as his hips thrust up hard, staying deep in me as he emptied all his frustration. Hips twitching slightly as his breathing hiccupped while he rode out his ecstasy within my hot core. My unfocussed eyes opened to find Trina still peaking around the door, slack jawed, her enraged eyes focused entirely on me. "I love you Alexa." his soothing words sent a shiver through my body, my eyes closing momentarily, and when they opened a moment later the door was closed and she was gone.  Prince was still hunched over me, rolling his hips occasionally as he started to soften, and I was left wondering what the fuck was going on with Trina.   

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