Chapter 7

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Soft kisses landing on that junction between my neck and my shoulder, my breath catching in my dry throat at the sensation of those lips caressing my hot flesh. Closing the refrigerator door, I let my hands wrap around his and our fingers entwined. A throaty moan passed over my lips as I felt him coming to life against my ass. Loosening his grip on my slightly, I turned around in those sturdy arms. My eyes landed in his as I slipped my fingers into his thick mane, bringing his pink lips to mine in a bruising kiss. Our tongues battled for dominance as our breathing became audible. With a firm grip on my hips, that tones body pressed me firmly against fridge, his now prominent erection digging into my left thigh. Leaving his swollen lips I traveled soft kisses down the line of his neck before attaching my lips to a spot just below his left ear.

"Alexa..." A gasp that tumbled over his lips as he involuntarily thrusting against my thigh.

"I want you now." I whispered before trailing my tongue up his neck.

"Alexa we ca..." I swallowed his words as our lips met again. My hands slipped across the sides of his neck and down over his shoulders to his chest. Sturdy fingers dug into my jean covered hips as Prince pulled his lips from mine. "Alexa," his eyes were darker than I'd ever seen before, "I have some..."

"Bend me over the counter and fuck me until I beg you to stop." He groaned as those hips sharply rubbed him against me agin. Swollen, wet lips met mine again as my hands fumbled momentarily with his pants. My curious hand slid into the now open garment and I ran my fingers through his patch of course curls.

"Hey Prince, where'd ya go?" A mans voice rang through the building. Prince crashed his body against mine, as if to shield me, as he broke our kiss and turned his head to address the nameless voice.

"Sorry Tommy, just give me another minute. I'll be right back." His voice was perfectly even, giving nothing about our current situation away. Turning back to me, his eyes still coated with passion, but the rest of his face was apologetic. "I tried to tell you." I could barely hear him over the pounding of my racing heart. "Let me go finish this," pulling my hand from those barely discovered curls, "then I'm all yours." I only nodded while nervously chewing on my bottom lip; I couldn't bring myself to to speak a word. "I want to kiss you so bad," me moaned while resting his forehead against mine, "but I wouldn't be able to walk away."

I drew I. A shaky breath as he stepped back, those bottomless eyes raked over my body slowly. His swollen lips, hair out of place, black trousers hanging open and the very clear outline of a fading erection; he was the perfect picture of a debauched musician.

"Find me when you're done." My voice so quiet I thought for a moment he hadn't heard me Prince busied himself straightening his shirt and closing his pants, never taking his eyes off me.

"Oh, i will honey." His tone sent a cold chill through me and without another word he walked out of the kitchen.

The tension surging through my body was incredible; skin covered in goose bumps and each hair on my body was on end. I milled around the kitchen for a while, hoping he'd quickly dispose of his guest, but it soon became evident that would not be the case. I tried to busy myself by getting some work done, but I couldn't focus. I meandered back to the kitchen and considered baking cookies, but all I could do was stare at the refrigerator and think about earlier. I watched a little tv, but I could barely sit still. A few hours later I was still bouncing from room to room, when I found myself looking around a room filled with all of his awards and achievements. The floor was covered in soft carpet and large pillows, with scarves of varying colors draped from the ceiling. The large metal door on the side of the room stood out in stark contrast against all the color in the room. Turning around to leave I found Prince standing just inside the room watching me with a look I'd never seen in his face before. The air between us was instantly thick with tension and I was suddenly both aroused and shy all over again. Before I could even decide what to say he made his way to me crashing his lips against mine. His tongue quickly dominated mine and my mind went completely blank as skilled hands ran up my torso, pulling my fitted shirt up with them. His lips left mine long enough to get my shirt over my head, before his fingers made quick work of my bras clasp. Grabbing two fistfuls of yellow fabric, I pulled and the room echoed with the sound of falling buttons and the growl that escaped him.

"Prince!" My breathy moan filled the room as my back crashed violently against a wall covered in gold records. His lips leaving a trail of furious kisses down my neck as my bra was thrown somewhere across the room. We managed to get his ruined shirt off just as he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth; I whimpered as that tongue flicked over the sensitive piece of my body before his teeth nipped at it. His hand came up to my other breast and roughly massaged me, eliciting more moans. My right hand tipped his chin, causing those carnal eyes to looked up into mine. Lips back on mine in a sloppy kiss

"I need you Alexa." Words mumbled against my lips. My hands opened the familiar latch at his waist. with a quiet pop the button on my jeans was opened and a calloused finger was drug hard over my dripping slit. "So fucking wet." His voice was trembling.

"Please fuck me." Punctuating my words as I cupped his manhood, earning me a shuddering moan.

"Floor." I shimmied out of my jeans as I laid comfortably amongst the pillows. Prince's lithe frame rested between my eager thighs. We managed to get his pants pushed down just over his ass as he paused as his warm tip pressed gently against my dripping entrance. Our eyes said everything we needed to say at that moment. Wrapping my legs around him, I dug my heels into his ass, slowly pushing him into me in one solid stroke.

"Ah...god" a mixture of pain and pleasure as his hips finally came to rest flush against me. His hands balled up amongst the pillows next to my head as his eyes slipped closed.

"So..." He pulled out slowly, "tight." Entering again at the same pace. "Ah!" His eyes flew open as I drug my nails down his chest.

"Fuck me hard." A grin as he bit his bottom lip told me he agreed. Hips crashing against each other hard. The room echoed with our moans and grunts.

"Hard enough?" His voice raspy as he continued his steady rhythm.

"No." Pulling him down into a sloppy kiss. "Pun...ah fuck...punish my pussy! I want to feel this tomorrow." With a glint in his eye he raised up on his haunches and put both of my legs on his shoulders, before bending over me and ramming hard into my g-spot. "Yes!" I gripped his arms as I steadied myself, my legs starting to tremble, "right there...yes!"

"Touch yourself." My hand slid down without question and began rubbing my clit in time with his thrusts.

"Yes, oh, y...yes!"

"Come for me baby girl." He grunted and a few hard thrusts later I released on him, my breathing erratic and my legs trembling. Just a few moments later, with a loud deep grunt, I felt his warmth spread through me. After a few minutes he pulled out of me and I watched as a concerned look slipped over his features for just a minute. My heart still racing I watched as he stood and zipped up his pants while he let his eyes roam over my exposed, spent form on the floor. Without a word he picked me up, I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head against his damp chest. We didn't exchange a word as we took the elevator to his residence or while he made his way through the dark apartment. I listened to his pounding heart until he laid me down on silk sheets in a dark bedroom. I heard his pants hit the floor before he crawled in next to me and pulled me in tight against his chest.

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