Chapter 17

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"You had a question about my office?" He asked as I closed the office door behind us. Our hands still clasped together I led him a little farther into the white room with the pale lavender couch and cream colored chairs over by the glass top desk. "The bed? I thought we talked about this?" We stopped at the foot of the random king size bed in his work office.

"Not the bed." His eyes show confusion for just a moment before they follow my gaze.

"Oh." His voice slightly deeper than normal as we both looked at the large mirror attached to the ceiling directly above the bed. "That sugar," his lips were just against the shell of my ear sending chills across my body, "is for watching." Warm hands slid under the hem of my shirt, his manicured nails dragging up my abdomen. My eyes caught in his rich brown pools as he pulled the black cotton over my head. Strong arms wrap around my waist and soft kisses are trailed over my right shoulder. Taking a step back from me, he pulled his shirt off before reaching out and popping the button on my jeans.

"Take your bra off." His voice demanding as he pulls my zipper down and his finger tips met my heat. "No underwear? " he asks as a gasp passes over my lips while he cups me before slipping one finger into my wet heat. Without a word I let my bra fall at my feet. A hungry grin settled on his lips as both of his hands found their way to the waist of my pants, pushing them down my legs until I could step out of the fabric. "Lay down on your back." His eyes burned into my skin as I laid against the soft blankets, my eyes quickly falling on the very clear reflection of my naked self above me.

"Prince," the bed shifted beside me and I watch the mirror as he pulls his now naked body firmly up against my side. A gentle hand lands on my belly, caressing slowly up to my breast. My arm comes around his back, stopping to caress his firm shoulder as his lips found that soft pulse point on my neck and began nibbling. Moans resonate from my chest when his delicate fingers pinch down on my left nipple, tenderly twisting the sensitive nub of flesh. In the mirror I watched as taught muscles ripple down his side making his talented hips slowly thrust his manhood against my side. I was so lost in the sight of Prince's hands against my chest and his body leisurely grinding against me I didn't notice him staring at me.

"Alexa" voice rough with lust filled curiosity, grabbing my attention and pulling my eyes from our reflection to his soft gaze. His right leg draped over mine while his hand began to casually travel lower along my torso. "Have you ever watched yourself come?" A lecherous grin lifted those plump lips as his foot hooked around my calf. My eyes moved back to the mirror just in time to watch his foot pull my leg back as his hand slipped down over my aching core. Fingertips drawing circles over my clit causing me to gasp causing his smile to widen against my cheek.

My soft moans filled the room while that smile peppered my skin with hot kisses. The mirror showed me the sharp, involuntary roll of my hips as his finger entered my heat

"Yeah..." A breathy response to his unasked question as his eyes met mine in the mirror. Eyes raking over Prince's naked form as his muscles shift while his body slid down mine; his tongue leaving a glistening trail of goose bumps over my breasts, down my stomach, around my belly button, until stopping just above his fingers. Moving between my legs he laid flat on his belly; shoulder blades pushed back as his arms supported him and his ass twitching occasionally while he thoughtlessly rubbed against the bed.

"Watch yourself sugar." Eyes connecting again as his tongue met that tender mound of flesh.

"God!" A second finger slipped in as he settled on a steady pace: a pace that the. steadily increased making it nearly impossible to keep my eyes on the show playing out above me. "Please..." A moan escaped as my head went back and eyes fell closed. The sensation of his tongue and finger was too much, the knot was building in the pit of my stomach. 

"Watch." A muffled command found my ears. His lips engulfed my clit, the wet sucking noise filling the room. Peeking through my lashes I noticed my hips riding in time with the rhythm of his fingers, my back starting to arch and breasts bouncing. A third finger found its way in and our pace increased along with my panting.

"Oh...fu...almost..." My hands came up to my breasts, rolling pert nipples between my fingers just as my back arched higher and that knot exploded.

"Fuck!" My hips thrust sharp against his face and fingers as my walls clenched tight around him. He continued to work me until my hips slowed to a stop and my eyes slipped closed.

"Beautiful." The word echoed around us as his fingers left me. My chest heaving and my tongue trying to wet my dry lips. Before I could even reply his took a firm grip on my hips and entered me in one swift movement.

"Ah!" The moan was knocked out of me in surprise as he began furiously pounding into my spent body. Fingers clenching the blankets below us, his face tight, watching intently where he was entering me roughly.

"Shit mama..." Fingers dug into my flesh hard as he pulled me to meet his violent thrusts over and over again. His husky groans filled the room and I knew we were both going to be pushed over the ledge soon. Looking back to the mirror and I was met with the sight of nearly every muscle in his sweat covered body working as he rammed into my body. Obscenities  fell from his tongue mixing with my load moans. One hand released its grip, a finger coming down to press hard against my center while the veins in his neck strained as his head fell back, eyes closed and mouth jutting open.

"Prince!" His name a gasping prayer, my walls pulsing around him as his trembling body spills into me with a deep groan.

The next morning my eyes slowly opened to the sight of soft brown eyes studying my face.

"Good morning" his voice deeper than normal telling me he hadn't been awake long.

"Morning." A small grin on my lips. The small throw blanket from the foot do the bed we had covered ourselves with last night was being slowly pulled down, exposing our bodies. "What ya doin'?"

"Just wanna look at you." I nod slightly

"When do you have to get up "

"Soon I'm guessing," our hands entwine, resting in the empty space between our chests, "I can't see a clock from here, but I've heard some people in the hallway."

"Prince," squeezing his hand lightly ensuring I had his full attention, "I lo..."

"Hey P you in here?" Prince quickly snatched the blanket as Tony barged through the door.

"Get the fuck out!" Prince yelled as Tony's face took on a shocked look as his eyes landed on us. He disappeared without a word closing the door quickly behind him. "Mother fuckers are way to comfortable in my home."his expression was anything but amused as he jumped out of bed and threw on his clothes from yesterday. I slipped into yesterday's clothes while he picked up the phone. "Hey, tell everyone I'm running late.  Rehearsal will start in an hour. Yeah. Yeah." His eyes fell to me, "and tell everyone to stay the fuck out of my office." The phone met the cradle with a loud bang before he strode over to me. "Sorry." His arm wrapped around my waist as we headed for the door. "I've gotta shower, then I'll make sure that doesn't happen again."

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