Chapter 10 the skype call

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Elissas pov

After a good time with Genevieve in town we decide its time to go back to the hotel.

once home i flop on the couch and Genevieve goes to the room to get changed,

"Lissa? U wanna go up on the roof and sit in the spa?" She yells from the room.

"Umm not right now, maybe in 20mins?"I tell back and go silent as u wait for her reply

"Yeah sure thing, algoods if u don't. But I'll be up there anyway"

she yells the first part but then as she walks into the living area she talks normal.

She has such a perfect body I feel my stomach twist. Jealously can't help but spread through my body.. I have a perfectly fine body but I just swear hers is better!

she soon disappears out the door with a towel now rapped around her body.

i lay there steering at the roof when I remember I have Harry's number and I think about texting him.. Well I'm not going to see him again after tomorrow so may as well!


"Heey (It's elissa btw)"

I push send and smile. I hadn't text him yet so that's why I put my name.. I sit there impatiently and realise the house is really quiet.. I know Genevieve is on the roof but where's Myre? After our fight I haven't heard or seen her. I normally can hear her music rushing through the hotel, she brought along her sound system and uses it to block out the world when upset...

Just as I'm about to start searching the house I hear the perfect sound of my phone singing to me..

One things blasts from my phone and I stop the sweet sound of the boys voices as I unlock my iPhone


"Hey! I was wondering when u would text me ;) started to think u didn't want to talk to me -H x"

He..sent..a...x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Holy flipping my. Goodness gracious. I think I'm floating? Wait nope still on the ground...


"Oh gosh I'm sprung ;) I totally didn't want to talk to you! But then that little voice in my head said 'text him text him text him' so I listened :) lucky for u ;) -E x"

Playing the hard to get right now... I don't think that even made sense that text...gosh i fail when it comes to guys...


"I see, i seee... Said the blind man to the deaf man. Haha yes lucky indeed that ur little voice said so! Do u have a skype? Jw.. -H x"

Hahaha harry! What a weirdo hehe but I like him like that. And do i? Shoot I dont.... Okay dokay elissa.

Check list..

• make a Skype account

• don't screw up

Okay that looks good. Sounds like a good plan to me.


"Haha totally ;) and yup but brb... -E x"

Okay go go go elissa!

I pull my laptop out from under the couch... Wops that's myres one... Here we go. I flip open MY laptop and unlock it.

Password: marrymeharrybabe

Hehe I know it's long but hey! It's cute right?


"Okay sweet as sweetie -H x"

I felt my heart melt.. Hehehe!

I click on safari and type into google 'how to make a Skype account' and a link pops up to the Skype page and I get to business. I download Skype and make my account.

Me being super clever and not realising everyone saw my username I made it




"Back!! :) hope u didn't miss me to much ;) -E x"


"o I missed u sooo dreadfully much. I'm over the moon in joy that your back ;) so what's ur username for skype? -H x "

What? Wait.. Noo! Agh oh crap. I'm an idiot...


"Hehe um its.. 'Elissa.styles.forever' hehehe... ;p -E x"

AGHH flipping heck! Embarrassing!!!

I get a super fast reply!


"aww cute! i found you! :) -H x"

whats he mean by "i found u?"

All of a sudden a weird noise comes from my laptop, I open it to see

"Harry.styles is calling you" I had the choice between two buttons..


.. I click answer without thinking and I see his face full the screen, a smile spreads across his face and I see a little screen in the corner of some homeless looking lady... Wait a second.. No.

I let a scream come out of my lips and jump up and run to the bathroom. I pull my phone out and text him


"just a second.. I kinda look like a homeless woman! Ill be back in 2mins!-E x"

I look in the mirror to see my hair in a messy as heck bun and I'm on my clothes from earlier which look not so great after hours of walking in.

I quickly let my hair down, and then put it up in a pony tail, leaving some hair to frame my face, I sprit to my room and put on my sweet pants and a singlet and a big jumper.

Only stopping to read my new text..


"U looked gorgeous! Come back boobear!- H x"

Wow I couldn't hold back my fan girling! I jump up and down squealing.

"Ahhhh! He called me boobear!!!" I spin around a few times and then run to the living area and flop on the couch to see Harry's face looking at his phone and then a huge smile spreads across his face when he sees me

"Hehe hey" I say slightly awkwardly

"Haha hello there, um did u realise I could hear u screaming and shoutin before?" Harry says starting to laugh

My checks go hot and my hand shoots up to my mouth. Crap!

"Oh really? Opsy! Um hehe" I am sooo awkward! He smiles and then he goes to say something when someone I never expected to see pops through the door...


sorry it's only in elissa pov this chapter, but next chapter will be from Harry and Genevieve's :) xxx


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