chapter 14 myre explains

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Elissa pov

myre walks in to harrys room and just as she walks in i hear my front door burst open and two happy loud voices start yelling through the house. 

"HONEY WHERE HOME!!" i hear...Louis? how does he know our hotel room number.. and OMG LOUIS IS IN MY hotel room! i hope its tidy... 

"oi shudup, they might be sleeping!  its like 12:55 in the morning!" Niall? whisper yells at Louis... why are they here?? and its 12:55!?

"well there awake now! WHERES my cake!!??? hurry up woman!" Louis... cake??

"just a second i just icing it!" Genevieve yells out.. we have cake?!? 

i look at harry and he is busy talking to myre and she is just looking at the ground but i cant hear them. he muted me. butt-head! 

Louis and Niall burst into the living room and jump on the couch next to me. 

"seeeeeee she isssss awake!!!" louis teasingly says to Niall

"hey guys? what are u doing here?" i ask trying not to offend them though...

"where staying the night. dahh" Louis says as if I'm just meant to know that..

"ohkayy" i say now holding back giggles as Niall starts pulling faces behind louis back and mocking him....hehe! 

"arg i was wondering why you and Harry are having a skype and how come he has muted u and why is myre in his room.." Niall asks 

my head shots to the screen and i realize that i dont actually know..

"um u tell me haha" i say lightly and we all laugh and then harry un-mutes me and his voice booms through the speakers.

"okay so i can explain but um i actually skyped u to ask u a question... do u know why myre has been crying non stop and keeps just saying 'he is gone' and then crying harder? its starting to scare me!" harry says the second myre leaves the room 

"WHAT?! omg how long has she been like this? u tell me your room number right now! i need my sister!" i yell starting to freak out! she NEVER cries in front of anyone but me! she hates people feeling sorry for her and treating her different cuz she feels sad. i need her now! agh i cant believe i went crazy at her before! agh i feel so bad!

"634A its on the 9th floor. hurry please i dont know what to do..." he says looking really worried.. he looks like he really does care about her... 

just as im about to get up Genevieve walks in with cake and a confused expression on her face.. 

"why so much yelling and Elissa, u look like u just saw a ghost! whats up? cake anyone?" Genevieve says and Niall jumps up and grabs a piece of cake and he starts explaining as i run over to the door and despair in a flash.


myres pov

 Harry tells me to wait in the living room on the couch for him and he will be out there soon. i dont really want to go cuz i just ditched zayn there.. but i cant be bothered telling him and i feel that if i say anything ill cry again. 

so i walk out to see zayn has gone back to his room or something cuz he isnt in the living room anymore

i flop on the couch and i try to clear my head and i just steer at the wall and think about nothing,or attempt to anyway, when i hear someone banging on the door. then elissa walks in not waiting for someone to answer. she runs to my side and i cant hold back now. the waterfalls begin to flow. 

she says nothing but she just holds me and she gives me a peaceful feeling and i slowly start to ease up on the crying. i dont move, i keep my eyes forced shut and i just want the world to stop.


"yes sweetie, u dont have to talk but when ur ready im here" i just nod and hold her even tighter 

"its...its...Liam... he...he" i burst into tears again. i dont even want to think about whats happened to my childhood best friend. 

"liam? u mean amys brother?" elissa asks, Amy is his older sister and Elissa used to have a dance class with her.

"yeah.. he...." i slowly force out the words "he...over dossed....... on. ...acid at a party two.........nights ago......he....he.....he died...." i feel like each word was a piece of glass slicing up my throat and i start to feel like my whole body has been crushed. Elissa's face drops. she goes pail and a tear slips out of her left eye...

i look up at her and she shuts her eyes slowly and i hear someone sniffle and i look over to see harry,zayn,Niall,Louis and Genevieve all standing by the door to the living area and Genevieve is crying a lot harder now.

Liam was also a good friend of hers, her older brother Strauss was Best friends with him and he was like an older brother to her. 

she runs over to me and curls up with us and we all sit there crying and the boys slowly exit the room and give us some space.


okay so i know that Liam is the same name as Liam from the band but im basing the story on my real friends and stuff (MY FRIEND LIAM IS NOT DIED AND HE DOESNT DO DRUGS! haha) sorry for any confusion! and i dont have my ipod till Wednesday so i wont be able to update till then again because my mum doesnt like me on the computer to long 


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