The Worst Memories

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A little Time-Tyler family bonding, and Rose gets to talk more with the new Doctor. :) Enjoy!


Rose jolted awake when she heard a terrified yelp just next door. She scrambled out of bed, reaching for her dressing gown, and she heard terrified whimpers next. She was out the door in a second, opening the door to the bedroom next door. Anna was shivering, curled up in a ball. The Doctor, who looked like he hadn't gone back to sleep, was leaning over her, whispering reassurances in her ear, rubbing her back. "It's OK," he soothed, looking up at Rose, seeing her in the door, her eyes wide and one hand over her mouth. "Mara, it's OK."

"Too bright," Anna buried her head in the sheets, Rose walking over and sitting on the other side of the bed, stroking Anna's hair. "Too loud . . . "

"It was a dream," Rose whispered, tears in her own eyes. Seeing Anna this scared was something she just couldn't deal with.

"I know," Anna mumbled.

Rose started singing softly, singing Carol of the Bells, hoping it would help. Anna reached for one of her hands, which Rose gladly gave her. She squeezed and continued to sing, and Anna started settling down. She continued singing quietly as the Doctor made sure Anna was asleep before tucking her in and kissing her forehead. "Thank you," he whispered to Rose.

"Was it the Time War?" Rose asked as they headed to the kitchen, quietly closing Anna's bedroom door.

"Yes," the Doctor nodded as Rose moved around the Tyler kitchen, getting together things to make tea. "Those lasers were pretty advanced, like what were used during the war, especially during the fall of Arcadia."

"That was when the Regent was killed?" Rose guessed.

"Mmm," the Doctor nodded absently as Rose handed him a mug. "Arcadia was the last city standing in Gallifrey. Every last defense we had was used. It was a nightmare, Rose. For her to see it, that young . . . " He shook his head. "I can't imagine what terror those lasers brought back."

"It sounds horrible," Rose whispered, sitting down.

"It was," the Doctor nodded. "And the Time Lords couldn't go on any further."

"So you ended it."

"I ended it."

Rose was quiet. "I'm glad you still want me to come."

"Oh, I would've dragged you back if you didn't," the Doctor grinned. "Being that good with Mara? I wouldn't take anyone else."

She smiled brightly at him. "Thanks."

"I mean it," he insisted. "She's been having trouble sleeping the entire night. You put her to sleep like that." He clicked his fingers. "Honestly, she loves you."

"I love her, too," Rose smiled. "When she screamed like that . . . " She shuddered. "God."

The Doctor nodded grimly. "I can stay and keep an eye on her."

"Don't you need your sleep, too?" Rose asked in concern.

"I slept most of the day," he shook his head. "It's her turn to do the sleeping and my turn to do the watching. Go on."

"All right," Rose stood up. "G'night, Doctor."

"Good night, Rose," he smiled.

Rose headed back to her room, stopping for a moment to listen at Anna's door. Hearing no more disturbances, she smiled and went back to her room. She laid down and bed and curled up to sleep.

The rest of the night, she tried not to dream of Anna's bloodcurdling screams.


Have I mentioned I love these three? Yes, I do, very much, they're my babies. :)

 . . . and I get to ruin them in "Doomsday!" }:)

 . . . or do I? XD

Anyway, onto "The Bad Wolf Chronicles!" Interlude will be up, and "A Town Called Mercy" is being written right now!

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