New Earth

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So, we'll see how long the updating trend goes. Not long into strings camp, if the Wi-Fi is still as horrible as before.

Bit Anna-lite, but hey, Rose needs to get to know the new new Doctor, am I right? ;)

Here's "New Earth!"


"Have you got everything?" Jackie asked as Rose put on her heavy rucksack.

"I've got everything, don't worry," Rose assured her.

"Be careful."

"You'll have to call Mo about that - "

"Oh, never mind Mo."

"Rose!" Anna looked out of the TARDIS. "We're ready!"

"OK," Rose gave her a thumbs up, then turned back. "I'm going now. I love you!"

"I love you," Jackie hugged her.

"Love you, love you," Rose kissed Mickey.

"Love you," Mickey replied.

"Bye!" Rose ran for the TARDIS.

"See you later, alligator," Mickey smiled at Anna.

Anna, instead of acting like an alligator last time he had told her, frowned as she tried to remember the response. "In a while . . . " She brightened. "Crocodile!"

"That's it!" Mickey laughed, waving.

"I got it!" Anna cheered, waving back as Rose laughed. "Bye!"

"Oh, she's a sweetheart," Jackie sighed fondly as they closed the door.


"So," Rose bounded up to the console, taking off her rucksack and placing it down so she could move it to her room later. "Where are we going?"

The Doctor smiled. "Further than we've ever gone before," he answered.


Anna poked her head out of the TARDIS and gasped when she saw where they were. "This is gorgeous!" she bounded out, laughing when she felt the breeze.

Rose, too, looked around, stunned, as cars flew over her head towards a massive city. "It's the year five billion and twenty three," the Doctor said as he closed the door behind him. "We're in the galaxy M87, and this? This is New Earth."

"That's just," Rose sputtered, trying to get her act together. "That's just - "

"Not bad," the Doctor grinned as he looked around. "Not bad at all!"

"That's amazing!" Rose gushed as Anna ran back to them, grinning happily. "I'll never get used to this. Never. Different ground beneath my feet, different sky . . . " She sniffed. "What's that smell?"

The Doctor sniffed, then looked down. "Apple grass."

"Apple grass," Rose repeated faintly.

"The grass isn't made of apples," Anna frowned.

"Sure smells like them, though," the Doctor winked.

"It's beautiful," Rose sighed happily. "Oh, I love this. Can I just say, traveling with you two . . . " She smiled, taking the Doctor's hand and putting her arm around Anna's shoulders. "I love it."

"Me, too," the Doctor smiled.

"Me, three!" Anna chirped. "Piggyback?"

The Doctor laughed, bending down. She hopped onto his back, and Rose laughed, keeping her arm in the Doctor's. "Come on!" he ran on, Rose following.

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