School Reunion

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I suppose I should put this warning out here right now: this is definitely the most AU version of this episode I've ever written. TBWC was actually the closest to the episode I ever wrote, and that was with totally different characters. Rose was open to Sarah Jane in AR. After a talking to by Alice, Rose and Sarah Jane got along swell.

This one on the other hand . . . apologies if characters seem a bit OOC. There are episodes when I have a dead set plan, and then there are episodes when I think I have a dead set plan, and then it writes itself, like "The Bells of St. John" was. This one was as well, but I'm pretty proud of the badass moments in here. Let's put it this way: that gif of Rose, where that "I'm better than you" conversation goes on? When she says "try me," that ain't the conversation they're in. And shavingforsherl0ck, you'll see another reason why a certain event will be totally believable when it happens.

 . . . and I think that is the longest starting A/N I have ever written.

'Nuff said. Enjoy "School Reunion!"


"Good morning, class!" the Doctor grinned as he bounded into his physics classroom, watching kids getting into their seats. "Are we sitting comfortably? So, physics!" He turned and started writing on the board. "Physics, eh? Physics, physics, physics!"

"That's enough, Daddy."

The Doctor smirked as he turned around, catching a familiar face's eye in the process. He had no idea how smart this class was, but he knew he had one genius in the room: his daughter. Which was why, since he knew she would know the answer to every question, he sat her in the back of the class so no one would wonder why the little girl who appeared to be the youngest of them all was more clever than all of them combined. "OK, let's see what you know," he said. "Two identical strips of nylon are charged with static electricity and hung from a string so they can swing freely. What would happen if they were brought near each other?" Anna's hand, predictably, went up. Only one other boy did as well, however. The Doctor decided on his daughter first. "Anna, go for it."

"They'd repel each other because they have the same charge," she answered with a grin.

"Correctamundo!" the Doctor grinned, only to cringe. "A word I have never used before, and hopefully never will again." Anna giggled to herself. "Question two: I coil up a thin piece of microwire and lace it in a glass of water. Then I turn on the microwire and place it in a glass of water. Then I turn on the electricity and measure to see if the water's temperature is affected. My question is this: how do I measure the electrical power going into the coil?" The other boy raised his hand once again, almost beating Anna's. The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "Yes, er, what's your name?"


"Milo! Off you go."

"Measure the current and PDs in an ammeter and a voltmeter."

The Doctor nodded. "Correct. True or false: the greater the dampening of the system, the quicker it loses energy to its surroundings."

"False," Anna replied promptly before Milo could open his mouth.

"What is noncoding DNA?"

Milo got that one. "DNA that doesn't code for a protein."

"Sixty five thousand nine hundred and eighty times five?"

Anna actually jumped out of her seat to beat Milo, who by now, was looking quite angry a little girl was stealing his thunder. "Three hundred and twenty nine thousand nine hundred and fifteen."

"How do you travel faster than light?"

Milo blurted it out right away, which had been the Doctor's goal. "By opening a quantum tunnel with an FTL factor of thirty six point seven recurring!"

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