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And here's the last little bit of the book. :)

Enjoy Anna's ending monologue!


8th of July, 2007

So I've died now . . . that's weird to say. But it was a good death. I can still see it in Rose. She's still trying to understand why I died to save her.

But Daddy was right. The things the Time Lords do for the people they love is what makes us known as the most loyal of family. We would do anything for each other, just like I would do anything for my Mum. And now, Rose is that to me.

It still hurts to lose family. It hurt Rose most of all to have to say goodbye to her family forever. She says that we're her family now, but they're still her family, too. And now, she's alone in a world where everyone believes she and her family are dead.

They're wrong. Rose has got me and Daddy, and she will have us as long as she lives, however long that is.

But that's all about Rose. We need to figure out how a ginger woman in a long white dress and veil suddenly appeared on the TARDIS . . . why would a bride appear on the TARDIS?

. . . unless Daddy lowered the shields again . . . I should probably go help with that.





To be continued in "Saxon," which I will be posting in a few seconds!

To everyone who has been so supportive of these books - thank you so much! In less than a year, I have written out both Series 1 and 2, and all of your support has been wonderful in getting them out. :) I hope to see all of you in Series 3 for all of the Time-Tyler family. :)

Until I post "Saxon" in a few moments! Long live the OTPs!

 ~ WB039

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