Mother's Day

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This one was ridiculously hard to write. But, I got it done. Huzzah!



"She won't tell me anything, Doctor," Jackie told the Time Lord as they stood outside of their flat. Rose was teaching Anna hopscotch, and the little girl's face was just adorable whenever she tried to hop. Rose was getting a kick out of it. "You arrive with her in tears and a mess, but she won't tell me what scared her so much."

"I can't either, Jackie," the Doctor shook his head. "I know what happened when I met back up with her and Mara, but Mara said she could feel something was up with Rose after they had gotten out of - " He broke off, not wanting to mention anything about the parallel world. "Where they'd gone before."

Jackie narrowed her eyes. "Where was that, then?"

"Shouldn't say," the Doctor shook his head. "I was surprised by what that parallel world was like, Jackie, and I'm not sure what happened, but I know that if Rose wants to share, she will. I've learned to respect Rose's privacy, and I will."

Jackie scowled, but sighed in defeat. "If it was really that bad - "

"What I know happened, yes, it was really that bad."

"Doctor!" Rose shouted, and he perked up, looking over to where Anna was giggling hysterically as she kept doing a few fancy hops. Rose was laughing, too; it was good to see her smiling after the parallel Jackie had been turned into a Cyber. "We're going down to the ice cream shops. Did you want anything?"

"No, thanks," the Doctor shook his head. "Don't give her too much, she's already hyper enough."

Rose nodded and took Anna's hand, the two of them running off. Jackie smirked. "I'll bet you five quid that she spoils her rotten with that ice cream."

"Raise you five more that I know exactly what she gets her," the Doctor smirked back.


"Banana with hot fudge and sprinkles."

Jackie scowled. "You're reading her mind."

"Don't bet against me when it's about my daughter," the Doctor laughed, shaking his head and heading towards the TARDIS. "I'll always win!"

Jackie sighed. "I should know that," she admitted to herself.


"Your mum tried to bet on us."

"Oh?" Rose raised an eyebrow as she and Anna sat down by one of the fountains. "What did she bet?"

"That you would spoil me rotten with ice cream."

"She won."

"Daddy had another offer."

"And what did he say?"

Anna grinned and held up her treat. "That I would get banana with hot fudge and sprinkles."

Rose burst out laughing. "He cheated!"

"That's why he told Miss Jackie not to bet against him when it involves me," Anna said happily, taking a bite.

"Smart," Rose giggled.

"I thought it was funny."

Rose watched Anna eat, then asked, "What did you say on the zeppelin when you were with Mickey and Jake?"

Anna looked up at her, blinking. "What?"

"Before we left, Mickey said to ask you what you said."

Anna suddenly took a large interest in the toes of her boots. "Nothing," she mumbled.

Rose raised an eyebrow. "Annakamara, are you lying to me?" Anna mumbled something incoherently, and the eyebrow rose higher. "Come again?"


"You didn't say anything bad, did you?"

"No!" Anna looked up at her, eyes wide. "I would never!"

"Come on," Rose nudged her slightly. "It can't be that bad."

"It's not bad."

"Well, then, why are you so afraid to say?"

Anna fidgeted, then blurted, "I called you Mum." Rose's eyes widened comically, and she quickly went into an explanation. "Jake was about to leave you there, and Mickey was gonna argue in your defense, and it just sort of came out - "

"Anna," Rose interrupted her, tears in her eyes as she smiled. "If you want to call me Mum, I'm fine with that. Or alone, if you would prefer that. I'm just happy you trust me enough to call me that. I'm happy with it. I know I'm not the Regent, but I can try and help raise you." She lowered her voice. "Someone has to teach you not to be rude."

Anna giggled, giving her a massive hug, Rose smiling widely and hugging her back. It was good not to have anything ruining her life at that time.


Well, I thought this was one of the worst interludes ever. -_-

Next up is "The Idiot's Lantern," and so far in my stories, no one's been defaced yet. Let's see if that pattern continues or not. }:)

Hope everyone had an awesome Labor Day! :)

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