For the Sake of an Angel

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For Ten/Rose fans, and for those who love the Time-Tyler family bonding moments. :)



She just couldn't sleep. And it certainly was not because her wrists were still broken.

Rose tossed and turned in bed for at least an hour before she shook her head and sat up, groaning and putting her head in her hands, wincing at the weight her head put on her broken wrists. She couldn't go to sleep. And she knew if she did, she'd just wake up right away.

The image of Anna still screaming on that table stuck in her head. And it terrified Rose to death.

She got out of bed and slipped on her dressing gown, heading for the library. Reading always helped put her to sleep. Maybe if she found a particularly boring book, she could read herself to sleep. She opened the door and stepped inside -

"Seems I'm not the only one that couldn't sleep," the Doctor said humorlessly.

She paused, seeing he was staring into the fireplace, a mug of tea clenched in his hands. Slowly, she closed the library door behind her. "No," she admitted, walking closer. "I couldn't."

"I imagine it's probably the same thing that's bothering me."

"Maybe." She paused, seeing the other mug of tea on the table. "Did you know I would come?"

"Figured," the Doctor shrugged as she sat down. "Nightmare?"

"Flashback," Rose shook her head, reaching for the mug. "The clockwork droids."

The Doctor looked at her long and hard. Rose started to fidget under his gaze when he finally said, "Mara."

Rose looked down. "Yes."

"You didn't fail her, Rose," the Doctor sighed, shaking his head. "If anything, I did. I shouldn't have stayed in France."

"If I had kept her closer, she wouldn't have been taken," Rose argued.

"And if I had been with you, maybe you wouldn't have been taken at all," the Doctor countered. "There's a lot of 'what ifs,' Rose. We won't know what would have happened otherwise. What happened happened, and we're all alive."

"Thank God," Rose took a drink, wincing when she bent one wrist oddly.

"You've been doing that a lot," the Doctor noted. "Something wrong?"

Rose opened her mouth, then shook her head. "No."


"You lied when you said you were always all right."

The Doctor reached out and took one of her hands, and Rose hissed in pain. He blinked, twisting her hand slightly, and she whimpered. "Rose," he said carefully. "How did you get out of your restraints?"

Rose bit her lip. "Broke my wrists."

"Both of them?!" When Rose nodded, the Doctor took her mug from her, set it down, then took both her hands, looking at her wrists. "You broke your wrists just so you could save my daughter?"

Rose shrugged like it was no big deal. "One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel." The Doctor's head shot up at that. "You may have been Reinette's angel, Doctor, but Anna is mine. Seeing her like that . . . "

Rose couldn't continue the thought. "You acted on instinct, without thinking," the Doctor guessed. "Or if you did, it was only about her." Rose nodded numbly. He smiled at her. "Keep this up, you'll be her angel."

"What?" Rose blinked.

"You have protected her more than I ever imagined," the Doctor told her. "You're willing to hurt yourself if it means she's safe. That is something she will never forget."

Rose felt her skin tingle, and she looked down. She gasped, seeing orange gold energy similar to when the Doctor regenerated seep into her wrists, resetting the bones correctly. "Doctor - ?"

"And I will never forget either," the Doctor finished, rubbing the backs of her hands with his thumbs. "For protecting my daughter, I am in your debt, Rose Tyler."

She blushed. "That's not necessary."

"She's everything to me. I think it is."

Rose sighed. "Fine. You're in my debt. Let's just leave it there."

The Doctor smiled softly. "At least try and sleep."

"I'll try if you do."

"Fair enough. Goodnight, Rose."

Rose hesitated, then leaned forward and kissed the Doctor's cheek. "Goodnight, Doctor," she whispered, standing up and returning to her room.

Except it wasn't empty anymore.

She paused, eyes wide, when she saw Anna had slipped into her bed while she'd been talking with the Doctor. For a moment, Rose considered taking her back to her room, before ultimately deciding against it, closing the door to a crack behind her. She took off her dressing gown and walked over, climbing into the bed.

Almost as soon as she was on it, Anna woke up, blinking tiredly up at her. "I couldn't sleep," she said quietly.

"The clockwork men?" Rose guessed, and Anna nodded. "I know, sweets. Same with me." She laid down next to the girl. "C'mere." Anna instantly snuggled against her, and Rose smiled, putting her arm around her. "Goodnight, Anna."

"Night, Rose," Anna mumbled, out almost instantly.

Rose smiled, making sure Anna was asleep before she, too, finally fell asleep.

The Doctor was watching from the doorway, having seen Rose's door still slightly open. He smiled fondly at the two girls, then quietly shut the door.

Nothing would bother them the rest of the night.


So . . . anyone ready for "Doomsday" yet? Cuz I know I'm not, and I already know what happens. I just know I'll cry.

I love writing these Doctor/Rose and Rose/Anna family moments. This is definitely one of my favorite series I'll be writing just because of these interactions. :)

Back to TBWC! The quintet are off to be Ghostbusters in "Hide!"

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