Adventure at the Movies! Prologue

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Rubble everywhere, traces of small fires lingered and the earth was overturned. A tree was burnt to a crisp. The smell of demons lingered in the air. The worst part, a huge hole right in the wall of a movie theater.

Fourteen people stood in a perfectly straight line in front of the gaping hole. A tall albino man paced in front of them. All fourteen were nervous, anxious, and aware of their actions. They awaited their due punishment.

The man finally spoke.

"Would someone please explain to me how a simple excursion for only 6 of you, turned into a full out disaster involving fourteen of you!" The man's voice rose with each word punctuated.

"Well, Headmaster, it was more of a, ya know, natural disaster." A blue-haired boy spoke up.

"I don't care if it was a natural disaster Zion! Our powers are unnatural to the rest of the blissfully ignorant human race! Thank the gods, stars, and elements that people immediately evacuated after the fire. If any had lingered and seen your powers, our entire existence would be revealed and and any chance of reconvening peacefully would be blown out the window!" After that long speech, Headmaster Kylon paused to take a few deep breathes.

"So, would anyone please care to explain this to me. In detail so I may write this to your guardians."

Everyone shifted, not wanting to call anyone or themselves out.

"Very well," the headmaster rubbed his forehead in frustration, then pointed to the honey-blonde right in the middle of the group. Everyone else took a huge step back. The blonde turned to look at everyone, but they all gave her looks saying 'what can we do?'

"Valeriana. Explain."

"Well, headmaster, it's kind of a long story."

"I have all night to listen. So you best hurry up and speak your side so I can decide a due and fitting punishment."

"Okay. Okay. So remember how you gave me permission to take five other people with me to the premiere of the newest movie of that series we adore. It kind of went downhill from there..."

I may not be able to update often so here's a preview of the next one-shot I decided upon. The title kinda says it all. The detailed chapter will be updated when I figure out what exactly should happen. Suggestions are always welcome ;)

See you next time

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