A Familiar Sight

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"Is it strange? I have this...hole in my heart. I can't breathe at times when the pain is too great. Tell me, do my tears change anything? Huh dad?" Valeriana looked forlornly at the photo in her hand. She had woken up in the middle of the night and went to the nice hill that overlooks the school. She recalled practicing here with Seraphina and just relaxing. It was a special spot to her that spoke of her precious time spent with her guardian and a place of peace.

That's why she came here first. The family photo she lent to the headmaster was most recently returned to her. With her birthday coming up and all the new abilities and information overwhelming her like a tidal wave, she couldn't sleep. In a burst of anxiety and nostalgia, she sprinted to the hilly spot and laid down to look at the stars. She clutched the photo to her chest.

"I miss you guys so much. I know I have to be strong, and I miss you guys but..."

She sniffled a little as a tear leaked out and traveled down her cheek. A soft bark interrupted her thoughts. Turning her head, she saw a puppy with glowing gold fur. He looked so familiar.

"Hey, I remember you! You're that adorable puppy that lived in my neighborhood." The puppy tilted his head and padded closer to Valeriana's head. When he reached her, he put a paw out and touched her forehead.

Valeriana giggled. "Aw, you are so cute. Don't worry, I'm okay. A little homesick, but I'm okay." She sat up and pulled the puppy into her lap. "Your fur is still as shiny as ever. How'd you even get here? You're a far ways from home."

The golden puppy barked again and pawed at her stomach, then gave her a begging look. As if she understood it, Valeriana picked up the puppy and cradled her in her arms. The puppy licked her face which made Valeriana giggle.

"Awwww thanks for the support."

They sat and watched the twinkling stars gleam across the sky, painting the purple and blue night.

Valeriana sighed.

"I miss them. I miss them so much right now." The puppy looked up at her. "My family is so far away right now. And to learn so much about my father's past, it's hard. I never knew he was from Valemnia. Or that he was a Celeste. Heck, he was in a noble family for stars' sake! My dad hid so many secrets from me. From my entire family. And, it hurts. To know that, for all my life he lied. To my brother. To my mom." She choked out a sob. "To me."

The puppy whined and pawed at her chest, as if he were trying to reassure her and gain her attention. The gesture made Valeriana smile.

"Thanks little guy. It's almost like you can sympathize with me. Makes me think of when I first saw you."

A young girl with pigtails and a mud-splattered dress ran out of a large school building. In a nearby alleyway, she crouched down and cried.

"Everyone should just go away!"

Earlier in the day during recess, she was teased for her dress which the other kids called childish and stupid and ugly. They also called her father a liar and cheater for writing his stories. Some of the more rambunctious boys threw mud at her when the school aides went inside for a few minutes. She had immediately ran out of there in embarrassment and humiliation.

A quiet whimper drew her attention and she put her head up as she tried to find the source. When she saw it, she stood up.

"It's a puppy!"

The puppy was hidden behind a trash can and had muted yellow fur coated in dirt. He walked over to the sitting girl and licked her hand.

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