Adventure at the Movies!

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Warning, long chapter ahead, and enjoy :)

Valeriana arrived nervously in front of the Heasmaster's office, and knocked three times. A faint 'come in' came from inside. She stepped nervously inside.

"You asked for me Headmaster?"

Headmaster Kylon sat behind his expansive desk, and motioned to a seat. Valeriana sat down and he poured her a cup of tea.

"Yes I did. Thank you for coming at such short notice. There is something I wish to discuss with you."

"Is it about my grades? I'm not failing am I! Or is it because of the missions? I know I botched up on that last minor one you gave me. I promise not to do it again. Or is it-"

The headmaster cut the babbling blonde off.

"It's none of those things Valeriana. Earlier you put in a request to go see some event on Earth right? You've been meeting your quotas timely and your grades are stellar. So I have decided to give you permission to go see this 'movie' along with five other friends. Preferably from the twelve. Just in case demons choose to show up."

"No way! Seriously! Thank you so much headmaster! I won't disappoint you." Valeriana was so overjoyed and it showed. The headmaster smiled at her happiness.

"Let me know who you choose to go with you and then you must prepare. Now off to the Gathering, you're going to be late." He shooed her away as she squealed with joy and sprinted out of the office. A whoosh could be heard through the corridors as a swift wind was left in the wake of a blonde blur.

The headmaster leaned back in his chair and massaged his forehead.

"I do hope everything goes all right."

He then picked up a parchment lying on the side of his desk and skimmed over it again.

Headmaster Kylon

My charge, Valeriana Kerrigan, has made a request of me. While I do not wish to correspond with you, I'm afraid I must so I may be able to grant my charge's request. While she is appreciative of the monthly care packages from her home, she wishes to visit her home world. Valeriana has informed me of this "amazing, once-in-a-lifetime, hunkalicious, dreamy, fantablulous, supercilious" opportunity to study earthen culture. She implored me to ask this of you, to allow her to go. She would be willing to take others with her. It is a one day and one night excursion. While I do not want to write these words, I must beg of you to grant Valeriana's request.

Lady Seraphina

P.S. You do not need to reply to this at all. In fact, don't respond at all.

P.P.S You better grant this request or else...


The headmaster sighed at the last part. She was a feisty one.

Back at the Celestial Circle's building...

"The witch is late. What could be keeping her?" Corvan crossed his arms and legs, leaning backing in his large chair.

"Dunno. She was in class." Genevieve said.

The sound of the doors creaking open alerted everyone as they turned their attention to the front. Valeriana was facing the door, having attempted to sneak in quietly but utterly failing.

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