Sacrifice Ending 1B

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There were many gasps and cries of despair, mixed emotions that roamed the people.

For Valeriana's sword was also sticking out of Valdis and he wasn't shifting into mist so the hit probably connected successfully.

"Impossible." Lord Aeron muttered under his breathe.

"O Valeriana." King Bertram spoke sadly, for the results were obvious.

While the Demon Lord may have been killed, Valemnia was losing a great warrior that day.

Valeriana's large rainbow wings began to lose their luster and color, becoming white. A huge pearl white orb formed from the Valeriana's previously colorful wings and wrapped around the duo slain by each other.

Soon all that could be seen was the shining pearl that eclipsed the blood moon. The bloody rain that fell started to slow, but wherever it fell flowers popped up no matter where it was. They bloomed quickly, revealing beautiful golden Valerianas that shimmered in the light. A golden mist puffed out from them with each bloom and it would float up in the air and seek out the nearest demon. Once some golden mist surrounded it, it would get sucked into the demon and it would be purified in a heartbeat, morphing into a pure white creature that resembled a large cat.

Inside the sphere, Ouranos glowed brightly. The gems began to light up one by one on the blade. The brilliance emitted escaped the wound in Valdis and dyed the inside of the orb in a myriad of colors. The black hair began to recede into his head, becoming shorter and the color changed, becoming a pure golden blonde. His red eyes wide open in shock transferred colors into pure golden irises.

Conversely, Valeriana's black spot increased considerably at each passing second of Valdis's purification. Slowly her limbs turned black, spreading through her arms to her legs and up her head, essentially rotting her. Her hair turned pure black as well, and her eyes fluttered shut.

May your soul reach amnesty and true purification in the river of souls.

Those parting words escaped Valerianas lips before her heart stopped.

Valdis, in the same moment, stopped breathing as well. When both bodies stopped, the pure white orb surrounding them began to sink to the ground, its destination was the mountain top where King Friedel's tomb was. Waiting anxiously there were the Knights who lost their Queen.

The pearl alighted on a flat, clear spot right in front of the tomb before the top began to split open like a flower bud blooming.

Inside rested the purified corpse of Valdis and the blackened body of Valeriana, whose abilities finally took its final toll upon her.

"No way." Courtney was the first to speak. She approached the bodies and knelt by Valeriana.

"It can't be."

Genevieve sniffled, trying to contain her tears. Her brother, standing by her, and Zion who was also with her, both put an arm around her shoulders and the weight of them there, being there for her broke the dam. She started crying in full-out sobs.

The two men comforting her let their own tears fall for their lost friend.

Tamara went by Courtney and knelt beside her, brushing back a lock of the blackened hair from Valeriana's face.

"It wasn't supposed to end this way Vally. We could've found something else." Tamara said softly.

Charles chose to stay back instead of approach as his sister did. His fist was clenched tightly, his knuckles turning white from the force.

Aneeka had already fallen to the ground, weak in the knees. Rowe was beside her rubbing her shoulders to comfort her.

Elfre's tears seemed to never stop, a never endless stream of sadness flowing down. Raziel pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to her before pulling out one for himself. He dabbed at his eyes and looked morosely at the once bright shining star that lit the sky up.

Keelan was by her side also with Brindon, opposite the girls. Keelan sobbed loudly and openly at the loss of Valeriana. Brindon's poker face was absolutely broken. His expression showed true sadness, and tears dropped down his face.

Behind them all stood Corvan. He wanted to refuse to believe the sight in front of him, yet his logical and pragmatic side whispered to him that it was the truth.

"Why... why did this have to happen?!" He whispered to himself. Hot tears splashed down his face, leaving visible trails through the dirt on his face. His eyes were wounded, the beautiful emerald eyes dulled to mere specks.

They all grieved together, mourning her death. Eventually, Jareth and Seraphina found them, and it was not a pretty sight. When Jareth saw his older sister's prone form, he knew his suspicions were finally confirmed and immediately turned to his pseudo sister for comfort.

Seraphina's eyes were glassy but she pulled herself together as the eldest there.

"We should give her a proper farewell. Valdis too, for he was just as tortured as any other being."

Surprisingly, they didn't argue. It was evident from his appearance that Valeriana gave the last of her life to purify him and the rest of the demons that were around the area. They understood it would date her sacrifice if they didn't respect her wishes.

Gently, Seraphina gathered all of them together, as they all wiped their tears and got over the initial shock.

Seraphina told Keelan and Brindon to form two tombs on either side of King Friedel's. The air-controllers manipulated the wind to gently lift the bodies of the Valdis and Valeriana into the tombs before they were sealed and welded shut with the help of Zion, Zevlin, and Corvan.

The rest had uprooted some of the golden flowers and planted them around the tombs.

They gathered around Valeriana's tomb, which was beautifully done while they were preparing. They made a glass cover, and the tomb's sides had intricate carvings of scenes from her life, Brindon's work most likely.

By the ground grew the golden Valerianas that glittered and sparkled.

Seraphina then launched a signal from her pocket, and many people flocked to the mountain. When they reached the top, they saw the tomb of their savior. It was a sad day for all, on a day that would normally be celebrated.

They held a funeral. Those who knew her spoke some words, and many left offerings around her tomb.

After the service was over, everyone began to leave, to repair the kingdom and set their world back to order. One stayed behind though.


He lay hand on top of the glass where her face was and traced the glass as if he were caressing her face. This whole time he had waited so he could say his words in private.

"My one and only true love is you, Valeriana. You are the stars that shine above, the moon that illuminates the darkness, and the sun that can brighten anyone's day. You cracked my ice walls and broke down my barriers. At the same time, you let your's down for me. You are possibly-... no you are the best thing that will ever happen to me. I shall always remember you, my stupid witch."

Corvan bent down and placed a kiss on the glass right above Valeriana's lips.

Then he stood up and walked back down the mountain alone.

Since the service was held early in the morning, the sun was just rising.

Steadily, the morning light inched over the tombs. It shined its warm rays upon Valeriana, starting at her toes.

When it reached her eyes a bright red light flashed from her body briefly before disappearing as if it never happened.

A few seconds passed before a sharp gasp came from the blackened body and her eyelids fluttered wide, to reveal pure crimson red eyes.

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