Adventure at the Movies! Part 2

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"Hey." A whisper sounded out in the darkness that surrounded Valeriana. She felt like she was floating in a cold place, surrounded by hostile intentions. It was empty and felt void of light, a depressing place to be in your head.

"Hey." A masculine voice.

"Is she awake?" Feminine.

"No dummy, her eyes are still closed." Masculine.

Valeriana was so tired. She felt a warm presence nearby and turned toward it. This presence sparkled a bright red and orange, sprinkled with a bit of earthy green. It was so comforting. She floated closer to the light and hugged it to herself, it's light warding off the darkness eating her up.

"What's she doing?"

"How am I supposed to know what the idiotic earthborn is doing, just get her off of me!" A loud voice boomed.

"Well let's wake her up then." A bright blue piped up. She heard footsteps walk away.

A sound of something turning and some liquid hitting a metal surface came through the buzz of voices. After a while, the sounds stopped and the sloshing of the liquid came near her. Sounded like water in a bucket.


She turned back to the light and snuggled closer into the warm object.

"Wha-" Someone sputtered wildly.

"Awwww, lookie Zevlin! Our ship is coming true."

"Just do something about this already!"

"Aye aye lord!" The loud sloshing sound grew closer and stopped right next to her.

"Alright then, Corvan prepare yourself."

"Wait. What!" The light Valeriana was holding flickered and grew warmer. She pulled it even closer to her. It's light started flashing brighter and brighter, pushing the darkness farther away from her. Before it could go completely away, a flash of light blinded her.

"Aahhhhh!" A thump was heard echoing around the room as Valeriana looked up to see blurry faces around her.

"Huh?" She rubbed her eyes and blinked as everything came into focus. She moved some wet hair out of her face...

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"Why in the name of flaming blonde monkeys am I soaking wet?!?!?!"

She was covered in water and then her eyes attached themselves to a dripping bucket in Keelan's hand.

Her eyes followed up his shivering body to his face as she glared ferociously at him. His shivers seemed to be an effect of her eyes throwing swords at him.

"You're not the only wet you stupid witch."

She turned around to see Corvan sitting on the couch soaking wet as well. His long hair was dripping slowly on the floor.

"Why are you wet as well?" She inquired curiously.

"You slow moving snail of a girl! I sat down and you started clinging me to like some irritating vine on a tree!"

"So I got some water and splashed you to wake you up. You told us that's what you generally did to your brother to wake him up." Keelan said.

Two murderous glares turned towards him.

"Hehehe." He sheepishly laughed and rubbed his head.

"And what was so important you had to wake me? If it's about the tickets, I still don't know."

"About that, we came up with a plan." Tamara piped up, as she plopped onto a couch.

"Actually, Charles came up with it."

"It is the most ideal plan to use if all of us want to go for this educational opportunity." He pushed his glasses up his nose and pulled out a large scroll that he had been holding. He laid it on the lounge table and spread it out so everyone could see his detailed plan.

They pored over it and each person had a specific part. They memorized everything cause this was a major breaking of several rules.

(AN "and they were just like screw it, let's have fun and try not to die! Go team!" I seriously wanted to write this)

The days passed and finally they made it to the day of departure.

"Now Valeriana, please be aware of your surroundings and be sure to guide everyone properly. They haven't been to Earth before. And everyone, be careful. With the upcoming blood moon, demons are being more active." Headmaster Kylon was giving the six who had permission to go last-minute advice.

They were Valeriana, Keelan, Elfre, Zevlin, Genevieve, and Aneeka. Each had luggage in their respective home colors. Valeriana had a myriad of bags in several colors.

The others were nowhere to be seen.

"Pray tell, if I may ask, where are the others?" Headmaster Kylon obviously noticed this.

"Oh, well, you see... It's kinda...umm," Valeriana stuttered trying to come up with an explanation. She then got an elbow to the gut from Aneeka.

"Oomph... I mean, they were kinda sore about not being able to go so they stayed back at the dorms. You might want to leave them be, they were pretty grouchy, especially Corvan- ouch!" She made a noise of pain as she shook her hands, dropping the red bag she had been carrying.

"Are you ok Val?" Genevieve scuttled closer and started healing Valeriana'd hands, which had mysteriously gained a few burns.

"Oh I'm fine." She said as she went to pick up her bag, thanking Genevieve for the assistance."I was just absent minded and forgot that I left my warming rock on. It's an earthen technology that allows something to heat up fast to act as a hand warmer. I'll just turn it off. Plus, this bag is pretty heavy."

"Yeah, mine is too. I wonder why?" Genevieve said.

"Maybe you packed too much." Zevlin said as he poked at her bag.

Valeriana dropped the bag again to the floor with a thump. She opened the bag and rummaged about for a bit before she came up with a white metal rock. Tapping the surface of it on a red spot, it turned blue. She promptly dropped it back into the bag.

"Ok let's go!"

She hurriedly leaped through the transport door and the others grabbed their gear and followed.

"Good bye headmaster!" Genevieve called out.

"Thank you for this opportunity!"

The door swung shut silently behind them. The headmaster sighed and clapped his hands together.

"Now to corroborate their story." He set off towards the Twelve's dorms.

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