Sibling Resolution

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Tamara and Chares connect as siblings and reconcile.

I'm going to try this in first person point of view, see how it works.


My head hurt horribly, like a three horned trumplesmack lobbed an iron lemur at me. I tried blinking but found I couldn't see a thing. It was pitch black.

"Who turned the lights out? More importantly, where the heck am I?!" I shouted.

I felt something binding me to a chair, restraining each arm and leg separately, as well as a rope at my waist, stomach, and right under my shoulders. I blinked and realized I had a blindfold on.

"What the heck is going on? Someone get me out of this! When these restraints are removed I'm going to rip you limb by limb and stew you over Corvan's Fire and toss you into Larkovia's biggest lake! Whoo that was a long-winded threat." I paused to catch my breathe.

"Would you please quiet down? Yelling at nothing is not going to help this situation." A masculine voice floated through the darkness and sounded really close. They also sounded extremely familiar. I turned my head around fruitlessly trying to see them.

"Who's there?"

"Who else? I'm the only one who would reprimand you for your desolate manners Tamara."

The voice clicked.


"That's right."

What if this was his fault? Ooh I'm gonna-

"I am also restrained and it appears my weapons have been taken. I presume yours as well?"

Scratch that. Not his fault.

I couldn't feel any of my weapons on me, none of my daggers or knives hidden under my clothes, or my sharp stiletto knife I use to hold my hair.

"I got nothing." I huffed out in exasperation.

Man, not being able to see anything is frustrating.

"Why can't the dastardly villains come out already so I can smack the tar out of 'em?!?!" This whole kidnapping business has put me in a sour mood.

"I oughta take their own weapons and chop them into pieces! I'll smash their teeth through their skull. I'll-" Author Marinity has censored the rest of Tamara's threats due to explicit and grotesque terminology that may not be fit for this who are prone to be faint of heart. Trust me, if it weren't for that I could go all day long.

I was so lost in my bloodthirsty mood, I could feel their bones cracking under pressure. I struggled back and forth in an attempt of pure strength to free myself.

"Grrrr," A guttural growl escaped my throat.

"-ra. -mara. -AMARA! TAMARA! TAMARA! Snap out of it." A voice cut through my violent thoughts and I snapped back to myself.

"What do you want you little prick?" I snarled. I feel furious still. The ropes were very strong, cutting into my skin and rubbing it raw.

"I have a device I borrowed from Valeriana. It's from Earth. They didn't take it, and it's quite pointy. I can use it to cut free." A sawing sound could be heard as he spoke.

"Why do I get the sense that 'borrow' equates to 'steal'." I asked suspiciously. His intentions are always warped in mystery, the little prick. I can never understand him.

"This writing device is not stolen. It is similar to your 'borrowing' of Valeriana's book last week. Which, might I add, caused huge problems for us. It would've been disastrous if word got out before she recovered."

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