In Good Sickness and Recovery

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*Cough cough*

"Valeriana, drink some of this and you should get better."

The nurse handed her a glowing green mixture inside a cup.

"Um, why is it glowing?" She asked.

"Some of the herbs we used have luminescence properties. Don't worry it's perfectly safe," she reassured Valeriana before returning to tending to the infirmary.

Valeriana looked down dubiously at the mixture before shrugging.

"Well, bottoms up!"

She plugged her nose with one hand and chugged the mixture in another.

When she finished, she released her breathe in one huge gasp and looked disgustingly at the cup.

"Since they're so advanced they should've found a way to make medicine bearable for colds," she muttered under her breathe.

"We'll work on that."

A deep voice called her attention and she looked up to see Corvan standing in front of her bed.

"Oh hi Corvan," she said.

Valeriana was starting to feel cold so she pulled up her blankets.

"How are you feeling?" He asked her.

"Horrible. It sucks that they can't use their Power Control to heal sickness. They said something about the body being in a weak state and so it is unable to help and may do more harm depending on the sickness. It's just a cold!"

He walked closer to the top of the bed and patted her head.

"It's just how it works. I know it's rather hard to recover from sickness but you are strong." He comforted her with soft words in a gentle tone, calming her down. She leaned into his chest as he wrapped an arm around her.

"You'll be better in no time."

She smiled gratefully to him and then leaned back into her bed.

"You should get going before you catch my sickness then. Wouldn't want the first ranker to get a cold."

Corvan scoffed at her words.

"Please, I'm a healthy person and I rarely get sick. I doubt I can get your sickness."

Valeriana sighed and said, "Must I remind you of that time in Arlandia?"

"No, you do not for it was due to my connection to my familiar and nothing else."

Valeriana got a teasing smile on her face.

"But you still got sick. And I'm the one who saved you from dying that time," she said in a sing songy way.

Corvan didn't seem to get flustered by the comment, besides an unnoticeable twitch in his  eye. Instead, he leaned closer to Valeriana's face until they could feel each other's breathe. As he got closer and closer, she was confused as to what he was doing but shrunk back at his wide smirk.

"I'm very grateful for that of course. Do you remember one other time you saved me? I believe we were in a cave and then you kissed me. Your lips were rather soft then."

Valeriana blushed a bright red at his words, recalling the moment when she realized she fell in love with him.

He moved his head so his mouth was next to her ear. Valeriana's face kept getting redder and redder.

He whispered to her, "May I taste your lips again?"

Valeriana's instinct was to shove Corvan's face away from her. So that's what she did, except with a little more force. He ended up falling onto the ground.

"You're going to make me more sick with these temperature changes!"

She buried her face into her blankets and covered herself entirely.

Corvan looked up and saw her blanket tent and chuckled.

He pulled himself up with the bed and kissed the blanket lump on her head.

"I'll be going now. See you later love."

He walked out of the infirmary.

Once his footsteps faded, Valeriana peaked her head out to make sure he was gone before collapsing down on relief.

"He's going to give me a heart attack one day with all the pounding my heart is doing."


I thought this would be cute, like Val being sick and Corvan being all lovey towards her and Val is being a Tsun-Tsun about PDA like that. It just seems adorable!

Hope you enjoyed!

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