Unspoken Rules of House

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Rule #1
The kitchen is Charles and Valeriana territory. Trespass at your demise.

Rule #2
Hide all sweets when Keelan has a cavity. Use hiding spot Alpha only during Valeriana's time. Otherwise, hiding spot Beta is used, with extra traps laid by Charles.

Rule #3
Don't touch Brindon's paints. An angry Brindon is a scary Brindon.

Rule #4
The mention of "ships", "OTPs", "Corval", and "Valion" are forbidden around Genevieve, Zevlin, and Elfre. The squealing and shouting is physically damaging and the topic caused mental discomfort once they start talking.

Rule #5
NOBODY IS A BENDER! Valemnians use power control, not air bending or fire bending or earth bending or water bending.

Rule #6
Don't play William Tell with Brindon. Even if he's a good shot, he'd rather paint the apple then shoot it.

Rule #7
Whoever is nearest the door answers it. You have to answer the door, even if blue-haired pests are there.

Rule #8
Don't smuggle weapons for Tamara in your rooms. Charles will revoke your dessert privileges and punish you to clean the entire dormitory within a week. Or he will force feed you dessert and make you study at least 6 hours a day

Rule #9
Don't call Raziel's hair orange. He'll get into a long rant and either bore you to sleep or make you want to attack him.

Rule #10
Don't take off Charles's glasses unless you want to be cursed out.

I'll probably do this in increments of ten, to keep it easy. It's filler

Hugs and Kisses

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