Chapter 9

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Ethan's Pov:
We started walking towards them. They were all facing the other way, so when I reached them I started speaking.

"Hey" I said. This caused them to turn around
"Oh my god, hi." Was Lilliana's reply. Wow she's even more beautiful in person.
"It's nice to finally meet you" I said as she stood up.
"I agree" she said as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug I hugged back instantly closing my eyes, I could wipe the smile off my face.

We'd been hugging for a while and I opened my eyes to see Lauren and Ava. Lauren looked really excited and Ava looked like she was on the verge of tears. I finally let go of Lilliana and she reintroduced us.

"Ethan, Jakob, Chris, these are my best friends Lauren and Ava." She started " Lauren's a Jakob girl and Ava's a Chris girl, and she'll I'm an Ethan girl" she continued.
"Cool" Jakob said.
"Ah-h, c-can I pl-lease h-ave a h-ug?" Ava asked Chris.
"Yeah of coarse" Chris replied, wrapping his arms around Ava.

While they were hugging Lilliana and I sat down, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders because she was shivering. She gave me a great full smile and lent her head on my shoulder. I looked up to see Jakob hugging Lauren and Chris and Ava sitting down across from us, I looked back at Lilliana t see her peaceful face, she smiled up at me then started to speak.

"Do you want to get food now?" She asked me.
"Yeah, let's go" I replied.
"Guys lets go order" Lilliana said as she stood up. I stood up and followed close behind her. And so did everyone else.

After we ordered we went and sat back at the booth and waited to get our food. It was 10 past 9 by the time that our food was ready.
"I'll get it" Chris chirped up when our order was called.
"Ok, let me help you" Ava said getting up and following Chris.

A bit after Chris and Ava went to get our order we all got up because we agreed to have our food on the beach. We walked out the doors and started to walk towards the beach, the wind was really strong and Lilliana was shivering so I wrapped my arm around her and she leant her head on my shoulder as we kept walking.

After a few minutes we reached the beach and found a spot to sit. Everyone except Lilliana put their towel down she just wrapped hers around herself, too keep warm I guess.

Lilliana's Pov:
Ethan's being really nice too me, every time I start to shiver he wraps his arm around my shoulder to keep me warm, when he did it on the way to the beach I just rested my head on his shoulder and kept walking. When we found a lace to sit on the beach instead of putting my towel down like everyone else I wrapped it around my shoulders to keep me warm.

"Are you ok?" Ethan questioned in a caring tone.
"Yeah, it's just a bit cold" I told him
"Ok, you can sit on my towel if you want" he offered
"Yeah, if that's ok with you?" I asked him.
"Of coarse" he replied.
"Thanks" I said.

Ethan sat down on his towel and I sat in between his legs. Chris started to pass out the food. He gave me mine and Ethan his last and we all ate and made small conversation. After a bit Ethan and I we finished but the others were still eating, so I leant my back on his chest and closed my eyes for a moment.

Ethan's Pov:
Lilliana was currently sitting in between my legs I was finished eating and so was she, but the others were still going. I looked out into the water for a moment then I felt a small weight on my chest. I looked down to see Lilliana recasting on my chest with her eyes closed peacefully. They soon flickered open and looked up at me. She gave me a great fun smile and sat back up. I stood up deciding to go for a walk.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked her.
"Yeah sure" she said as I helped her up.
"We're going for a walk" I said loud enough for everyone to hear "we'll be back soon and then we can go for a swim" I finished. Everyone just gave a small nod or a quiet 'ok'.

I took her small hand in mine and we started walking down the beach.



Pic at the top is clichehoran  her Instagram is @/ethankarpatthy.

So sorry that I ended it there. But it was getting long and I just want to update already. Thanks for reading this. Please vote and comment your thoughts. Also follow my fan account on Instagram @/instereo_ecj. Thanks

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