Chapter 18

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Lilliana's Pov:
It's been four days and Alex woke up a few hours ago. I'm so glad he's awake I was really getting worried about him. Right now he is sleeping. Mum, dad and Isabella went to eat lunch but I didn't want to leave Alex in case he wakes up. I'm sitting in the chair in the corner of the room when I feel my phone vibrate, it's Ethan we haven't talked since I left Chris' house to come here.

E- Hey, how are you?
L- Ok, my brother woke up a few hours ago
E- That's good, when will he be able to go home?
L- His doctor said in about a week, then he's bedridden for at least two weeks when he gets home.
E- okay
L- Gtg mums back, bye
E- bye

I told Ethan what's up then mum walked into the room I said bye to him and put my phone down on the little table. Mum came over to me and we started to talk about random stuff until she mentioned one thing

"So who was the boy who kissed you at the door?" She asked
"Um he's Ethan and um he's kinda my boyfriend" I answered blushing.
"Oohhh, my little Lilliana has a boyfriend" she said in a chirpy voice.
"Yeah" I said nervously
"Anything else I don't know?" Mum asks me
"Um you know In Stereo the band I like?" I asked in return
"Yeah, your obsessed with them, like is a massive understatement" she answered with a small laugh.
"Well Ethan, my boyfriend is kinda Ethan from In Stereo" I tell her excitedly.
"Wow that's pretty amazing" she told me
"Yeah and issy said he'd never notice me" I laughed
"Yeah" mum laughed along with me "anything else?" She asked again.
"Oh yeah Lauren is dating Jakob and Ava's dating Chris, both from In Stereo" I say in a excited voice
"What about In Stereo?" Issy rolls her eyes walking into the room and sitting down.
"Oh nothing much, just that I'm dating Ethan Connor Karpathy?" I squeal at the end.
"Wait really?" she asks half excited.
"Yes, really" I squeal again
"Can you stop squealing, it's giving me a headache" Alex groans from across the room. Wait Alex, he awake.
"Alex" I say jumping up and rushing over to him.

I pull Alex into a hug, it was really awkward because if all the tubes connected to him. He laughs at my efforts to do so and hugs me back the best he can. Mum dad and Isabella come over and hug him aswell.

"We'll leave you two to catch up?" Dad asks
"Yes please" Alex and I reply at the same time making everyone laugh. They leave the room, now it's just Alex and I. I go and grab a chair and sit down on it.



The next chapter will be their conversation. I might update more since I'm on holidays now.

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