Chapter 21

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Lilliana's Pov:
The next day I walk into school to see Alice, I don't think she likes me very much but at least she doesn't show it. On my way to Alice I pass Layla, the schools bitch now she definitely hates me because I'm dating Ethan.

"Hey Lilliana" Alice says as she approaches me.
"Oh hey Alice, have you seen Ethan yet?" I ask
"Umm, I think I saw him heading towards the sports shed" she replies.
"Oh, ok thanks I'll go check after I get my I books" I say before walking to my locker.

When I open my locker a note falls out of it 'Meet me behind the sports shed, xx Ethan' I read the note with a smile growing on my face. I quickly get my books for the first two class' and start to make my way to the sports shed. As I get there I turn the corner to see something I wish I would never see. 

Ethan's Pov:
I got to school early this morning so I went straight to my locker instead on meeting Lilliana at the gate like I normally do. When I opened my locker a not fell out 'Meet me behind  the sport shed, xx Lilliana' I smiled as I quickly put the note in my pocket and grabbed my books. I passed Alice on my way to the sports shed  but didn't stop to chat as I wanted to see Lilliana. However when I turned the corner to go behind the sports shed the only person who was their was Layla.

"Hey Ethan" Layla said battering her eye lashes.
"Hey Layla" I said in an annoyed voice "have you seen Lilliana she said to meet her here?" I asked
"Don't be silly babe" Layla said which made me cringe "I wrote the note, but I knew you wouldn't come if it was from me" she tells me.

Just then she sees something behind me that makes her smirk. Before I could turn around to see what she smashed her lips onto mine. I quickly push her off me and turn around to see Lilliana bawling her eyes out. I start to run towards her but she turns around and bolts to the girls toilet "great" I sigh. I run around the school trying to find one of the girls when I spot Lauren.

"Lauren" I say running up to her out of breath, tears brimming my eyes
"Ethan, are you alright, you look like your going to cry?" Lauren asks me
"No I'm not all right, Layla set us up and kissed me lil saw and now she's in the bathroom" I cry
"Ok which one I'll go talk to her you go wash your face" she tells me.

With that we both run off to the bathrooms Lilliana is at I go into the boys one to wash my face while Lauren goes into the girls one to talk to Lilliana.



I'm back sorry it's taken so long.

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