Chapter 20

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Lilliana's Pov:
It's been 3 weeks since Alex's crash and he's almost made a full recovery. In that time the girls and I have moved to our new school, which we convinced our parents to let us go to the same school as Ethan, Jakob and Chris. (A/N I know the boys don't go to the same school but too bad) Them and their friends have welcomed us into their group and are all really nice. The group is the three boys, us three girls, Lara, Lachlan and Alice who are dating. So altogether there are 5 girls and 4 boys and we get along like we've been friends forever.

Today was the day, the day that my brother meets my boyfriend. Right now I'm in the car with Alex, were in our way to pick up Ethan and go to the park down the road. When we arrive at his house I get out of the car, walk up to his front door and knock. His mum opens the door and tells him that I'm here.

Ethan's Pov:
Today I am meting Lilliana's brother I'm really nervous. She texted me about 5 minutes ago to tell me that they are on there way and now I'm laying on my bed waiting. I heard a car door shut and I thought that it must be Lilliana. So I stood up and put my wallet and phone in my pocket. Just when I was about to walk out of my room I heard my mum calling me down saying that Lilliana was hear. I quickly replied telling her I was coming and made my way downstairs. I walked to the door, gave Lilliana a hug said bye to mum before following Lilliana to her brothers new car. She got in one side of the car and I got into the other.

"Ethan, this is my brother Alex, Alex this is Ethan" Lilliana introduced us
"Hey" I said confidently.
"Hi Ethan I've heard so much about you" Alex said, which made me chuckle.
"Alex shut up" Lilliana whispered to Alex, I don't think I was a supposed to hear that.

We made small conversation on our way to the park. When we got there Alex parked the car and we walked over to a nice spot under a big shady tree.

Lilliana's Pov:
We have been at the park for about 1 and a half hours now and Ethan and Alex were getting along well. It was about 4:30pm and Alex said that we should drop Ethan home soon, so we made our way back to the car and Alex drove us back to Ethan's house. After we dropped Ethan home I got into the front seat of the car and we made our way home.

"Ethan seams nice" Alex's voice broke through the comfortable silence that was in the car.
"yeah he is, glad you approve" I replied happily.

When we got home I went up to my room and started the homework that I hadn't done yet. I was about half way through the my English when I had an incoming Skype call from Ethan. I quickly answered it to see him sitting at his desk with not shirt on, oh well I'm not complaining.

"Hey babe" Ethan greets
"Hey" I say back smiling
"It was nice to meet Alex today" he tells me
"Yeah, he said you seam nice, so that's good" I reply
"Yeah, it is" Ethan smiled his perfect smile
"Have you done the English homework yet?" I asked him
"Yeah, you?" He asked back
"I've finished half of it" I told him
"Want me to give you the answers?" he asked me
"Yes please" I said

After about 5 minutes he had finished telling me the answers. We talked about random stuff for a while before I was called for dinner. I quickly said goodbye to Ethan before ending the Skype call and going downstairs for dinner.



Yay 20 chapters. Also thanks for 3.3k. Sorry it's been a while. Hope this chapters ok. Please vote and comment your thoughts.

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