Chapter 17

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Lilliana's Pov:
I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing. I carefully got off the mattress not waking Ethan up and answered my phone. It was my mum.

"Hey mum, why are you calling me this early?" I ask her since it was only 6am.
"Hi Lil, Alex (her brother) was in an accident and is in hospital." She started in a worried, sad voice, this news made tears well up in my eyes. "I need you to text me the address of where you are please" she finished.
"Ok let me go find out" I told her walking back over to Ethan with tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Ethan" I shook him but he didn't move "babe" I said shaking him harder. Still didn't move "baby, wake up" I said kissing his cheek. This woke him up. He smiled up at me and when he noticed that I was crying he gave me a quick hug.
"What's wrong lil" Ethan asked wiping away my tears.
"My brothers in hospital and mums coming to pick me up, what's the address?" I asked him tears falling from my eyes.

Ethan's Pov:
I told a crying Lilliana Chris address and she walked away to text her mum when she came back in she was dressed and ready to go. I heard a knock on the door and Lilliana and I walked over to it to see her mum. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and with that she left. I walked back into the lounge to see the others all awake and laughing. They asked where Lilliana is and I told them what happened.

Lilliana's Pov:
When I got into the backseat of the car I noticed that dad and Isabella were there too. Dad started driving towards the hospital. When we got there we went to my brothers room. By now the tears were pouring out of my eyes. He was lying in the white hospital bed in the White hospital room. His face was pale and she had scratches all over it. He was hocked up to all of these tubes. The doctor came in to talk to us. He told us what happened and that Alex was badly injured but should recover over time.

Alex will have to stay in hospital for a while and then when he gets home. He will be bedridden until he fully recovers. The doctors said that his motorbike collided with a car and he's lucky with the injuries he has, they said he was drunk at the time. He's been in hospital all night and hasn't woken up yet.
We have been at the hospital since 6:45am and now it's 5pm, Alex still hasn't woken up and I just want to talk to him. I was always close to him I could tell him all my secrets and trust him, I told him about every crush I've had and every friend that I've had. He gets me and I get him.



Sorry that I've taken forever to update also sorry it's so shitty. Thanks notcomingbacks  for the idea to bring some drama into it. If you have any ideas of where this could go please let me know, I don't have a plan I'm kinda just improvising as I go. That's another reason why it 1. Takes so long to up and 2. Is really bad
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