Chapter 22

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Lauren's Pov:
When I walked into the bathroom Lilliana was in the corner bawling her eyes out. I walked over to her and sat down next to her.

"What happened?" I ask as I put my arm around her. I don't want to tell her what Ethan told me until I've heard her side of the story.
"Ethan put a note in my locker," she choked out giving me a note. It was neater then Ethan's writing, this must be from Layla. "And I went there and he was kissing Layla!" She continues with tears falling fast.

After talking to Lilliana, who was being her stubborn self, I had gotten nowhere. All I know is she hates Layla and thinks Ethan cheated on her, no matter how much I tell her otherwise. We walk out of the bathroom to see Ethan leaning against the wall with his head down. He looks up and immediately runs over to us. He looks at me with hope in his eyes, I just shake my head to show that she doesn't believe me, he instantly looks sad again.

"Lilliana, please let me explain," Ethan says with pleading eyes.
"No Ethan, there's no explaining to be done," Lilliana says raising her voice a bit towards the end.
"I promise I didn't che..." he tries but is cut off by Lilliana.
"Lillia..." he starts again.
"NO ETHAN, WE'RE OVER!" She says with tears falling rapidly down her face. With that, she runs away.
"I'm sorry," I say to Ethan before turning and running after Lilliana.

Ethan's Pov:
That's it, she broke up with me. I decide that I should go find the boys so I walk off in the opposite direction as Lilliana to find them.  

Lilliana' Pov:
I can't believe him, how could he cheat on me? I thought he was different, I guess not. Right now it's lunch time and Lauren, Ava and I are sitting with Samara. I sit with her in a few of my classes, she's really nice and outgoing not to mention how pretty she is. We are just talking about random stuff when Chris comes over and asks if he could talk to Ava. I can hear Chris trying to tell her that Ethan didn't cheat and that Layla came onto him. She doesn't believe it one bit and I don't either. "YOUR A LIAR JUST LIKE ETHAN, WE'RE DONE!" I hear her scream, with that she walks back over with tears streaming down her face.

"I can't believe him," she sobs into Lauren's shoulder.
"Their all liars, how could they?" I say in return.
"Jakes not a liar," Lauren fights back.
"Oh but he will be soon," I tell her. "Just like the rest of them, complete idiots."
"You should just break up with him before he hurts you," Ava says.
"I don't know, he could be different," Lauren tries to explain but we won't hear it. We just don't want  see her get her heartbroken.


"Your right, all boys are liars!" Lauren come storming back to the table. "I can't believe he's standing up for Ethan, I mean how could he?" She continues in rage.
"I told you, they're all idiots!" I exclaim.

Lauren's Pov:
I can't believe I did that. I fake broke up with Jake so the girls would stop pressuring me into breaking up with him for being a 'liar'. I know Ethan didn't cheat, he wouldn't have been crying and so desperate for help if he did. I'll just have to find a way to make Lilliana know what truly happened, the truth that he isn't a cheating liar. I need excuses to leave at lunch to go help the boys. Right now I'm just sitting behind the tuck shop with Jake. We're talking about anything and everything but it's not boring, not with him. I think back to the day when we met, back to our first kiss and how perfect it was. With that in mind, I press my lips to his in a soft kiss, he instantly kisses me back cupping my check with his hand. When he pulls away I'm blushing like and idiot and so is he. And in this moment I know that nothing can break us apart, not even the pressure of Lilliana and Ava. They may be my best friends but he is my boyfriend and I don't know what I'd do without him. Speaking of best friends, I should get back before they become suspicious.
"I have to go, they'll question me," I whisper so only he can hear.
"Ok, I'll see you soon, yeah?" Jake asks softly
"Yeah," I confirm "I love you," I say standing up.
"I love you too," he says. And with that I smile and turn around walking away from him.



I'm back. Hope you enjoy this chapter as it is a bit longer. I would very much appreciate your votes and comments of what you thought.

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