Chapter One

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I was on my way to the Hob,  when one of the Capitol trains pulled into the lot. I stopped for a second to see who it was because the train that brings the mining supplies isn't fancy like this. A few seconds later on of the doors open and Peeta Mellark steps out. His eyes sweep the area like he was expecting someone. His eyes come to me and he smiled one of his dazzling smiles that helped him get through the Games. Yes, the 74th annual Hunger Games. He some how managed to survive, although no one really knows how. He pretty much disappeared for a while. They would show random bushes then later a shot of him picking berries, but then you wouldn't see him again. There was a lot of speculation over where he went but he hasn't told anyone. Even when Caesar Flickerman asked him, he just shrugged it off.

I looked away, glowering at the ground. I was just about to start off on my way to the Hob again when Peeta called my name.

"Hey, you are Primrose's sister right?" I froze, like me not moving would make me invisible.

"Yeah I am. Can I help you?" I turn around and he is a few feet away. I scowled at him again and crossed my arms over my chest. I didn't want to talk to Peeta. I owed him. And I hate owing people things.

"Oh well I was just wondering how Lady has been. If Primrose had any cheese for sale."  When we were younger I had gotten Prim a goat for cheap from the Goat Man. We have been selling her cheese and milk for a few years now.

I thought it was strange he remembered Lady's name, but Prim has probably mentioned it enough all of 12 knows it. "Yeah she's doing fine. But its not like we are the only people you can get cheese from. If you were doing it because you feel bad then you would go somewhere else in the Seam. And its not like you owe us anything!" I am transported back to that cold night when he gave me the bread.

Peeta just stares before saying, "Okay," and walking away. I feel kind of bad after the whole bread thing but I blew off the feeling and continued to the Hob.

After my trip to the Hob, I ran home and got some of Prim's cheese then headed to the bakery. The bakers wife has been sick with something and hasn't been in the bakery for a day or two. I walked in and went up to the counter. I couldn't see anyone, so I called out. Not getting a response I decided to wait. I walked around the small store, looking at some of the desserts. I was looking at a very detailed cake with tiger lilies on it when I heard a door open. I turned around, and opened and shut the door like I had just walked in.

I heard someone yell something that was along the lines of 'be right there' but it was hard to make out. I stood at the counter with the cheese before me, preparing to see the baker. And Peeta walks out. I just about turn around and leave right there.

"Am I really that good looking that you had to come see me again? Its only been a hour." He smiled and I pretended to gag.

"You wish Mellark. Where is your dad? I wanted to talk to him about Prim's goat." I didn't like talking to Peeta, but I guess you can't complain right? Peeta would probably give me a better deal anyways. I set my cheese on the counter.

"What's wrong with talking to me? I'm awesome." I put my elbows on the counter and my head in my hands. Why are all guys such retards? I hear Peeta move and look up to see Peeta inches from my face.

I move my hands into fists and prop my head up. He does the same. I will give him 30 seconds them I'm leaving. I can come back later, hopefully when Peeta isn't around. Our noses are almost touching.

"So," he whispers, his voice husky, "Is this the part where we kiss?" I find a smile on my face. I somehow find this funny. Not in a laughing way, but a kind of funny-ish way. I feel weird, not really knowing what I'm doing.

The next thing I know we are kissing and I hear a male say, "What the fuck?"

I jump, and turn around to see who it is. Gale.

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