Chapter Ten

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My room was very similar to the one on the train, big bed, attached bathroom, huge closet. Except for one thing. There was a wall that would show you pretty much where ever. You could pick anything from a random Capitol street, to a desert area, to the woods.

Haymitch didn't really have anything else to say, and Effie just said that we will eat soon and then tomorrow we would start training. Haymitch would tell us more at dinner and tomorrow morning.

Right now everyone was kind of settling in. We all went in different directions and I chose this room. It had dark purple walls and matching carpet/bedding. This bed wasn't as squishy, so I didn't sink in until I couldn't breath.

After playing around with the weird wall, I went in search of people. Effie was in the living room, sitting on a fluorescent pink circular couch. "Hello dear, dinner will be in an hour, then we will watch recaps of the reaping and the Opening Ceremony. " She smiled, and I nodded before walking away. Not the company I wanted.

I continued walking around. Down a hallway, up another. After a few minutes I found stairs leading up. I stood there for a second, debating on whether or not to go get Gale or Peeta. I figured if it was something cool I would go get them and pretend I didn't go up there, just found them.

I walked up them and they led to a balcony. I walked over and from here you could see all kinds of Capitol Buildings and houses. You couldn't see the people in detail, they were pretty tiny. I looked around the balcony and saw it was quite big. You could provably fit one of my houses up here.

There was a bench behind me and a few boxes on the other side of the balcony. The stairs were on the far right. As my eyes swept the balcony, I saw something, or should I say someone, with me.

"Hey Katniss, glad you finally noticed me. I thought you forgot about me." Peeta said. His eyes were glistening, and I looked away.

"Trying to get my head wrapped around this. I mean, what are the odds that all three of us get picked? I thought it was bad enough when I got picked, because I thought that there was a 50/50 you were joining me. Then when Gale got picked too..." I know he probably doesn't want to hear about Gale, and right now I just want to go back to my room and pretend I'm in the woods.

I try to keep my eyes away from his face but he pulls me into an embrace. He smells like lemon. I look up at him and saw his eyes were still wet. "Peeta," was really all I got out before his lips met mine. There was a sense of urgency and desire in the kiss that made me want to pull away but at the same time continue kissing him. I pulled away for a second, trying to catch my breath, but our lips met again.


After a supper of lamb stew over wild rice we all gathered in the living room to watch the reapings. I smooshed myself in between Haymitch and Effie because I didn't want to sit by Peeta after what happened earlier and whenever I looked at Gale I felt guilty. I don't know why, we didn't really do anything....

 The tributes from District 1 were two kids that looked to be around my age. They both had blonde hair and looked overly confident. Their victor was a middle aged lady named Cashmere. All standing next to each other it looked like they could be a family.   

District Two also had an arrogant guy, probably eighteen, that was a bit of a looker. The girl was younger, maybe 14. She didn't look like a threat but a few years ago the kid who won was 13 and tiny. This victor was some man, named Brutus, who lunged foreword to volunteer. He was bald and looked to be 25.

After, came the Opening Ceremony. We really did look awesome compared to the other tributes. Then President Snow gave his speech, then the seal, anthem, and black.

Haymitch stood up and said, "Alright. Tomorrow you will start training. Don't show off what you are god at, save that for your private session. Work on whatever you want, If you want to come talk to me about the specifics, we can talk after dinner. Unless you want to right now."

None of us did.

He spent the next 1/2 hour giving us tips to survive in all kinds of conditions. Once he was done, Effie reminded us about training tomorrow, so we needed to get up early. "Its going to be a big, big, big day!" She squeaked. I got up and walked to my room.

After getting on some pajamas, I lay in bed, thinking about home. About Prim. My mother. I ended up crying myself to sleep.

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