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All rights go to Suzanne Collins

Please read the first book before you read this. The people will act a bit different, so don't talk about how it's dumb. I also would like to thank you for reading it! Feel free to give me any advice!


We were at the Reaping. They had just pricked my finger, and I was going to stand with the other girls that were 16. I hoped and prayed that Prim and Gale didn't get picked. Of course I hoped I wasn't either, but they were more important to me. After a few minutes Effie Trinket, District 12's escort came up to the microphone and started talking. I didn't really pay attention, I just wanted to go home.

"Ladies first!" She trills in her weird Capitol accent. She walks over in her platform converse bright pink shoes and grabs a name. She walks over to the podium and looks at the crowd, smiling. How can you enjoy this? Wipe that clown makeup off and do something useful in life. I think to myself. All they care about in the Capitol is getting fat. Not that I would know, I just assume.

"Selise Marse!" I see a girl, at least 17, wearing a nicer pink dress with ruffles on the bottom. It goes about to her knees and is a spaghetti strap. I feel bad for the girl, but I didn't know her. I hear some people crying, and try not to think about Gale and his 42 names in that bowl.

The girl gets up to the stage and starts to cry. Effie mumbles some thing to her and she cries silently, while Effie goes to pick a boy. She walks over to the bowl, grabs another name, walks back over to the podium, and says, "Peeta Mellark!"

He walks up to the stage, looking like a lost dog. I don't really know Peeta, other then he gave me bread, which in turn gave me hope. Yeah its kind of a sad story, but if you want to know about it comment. Effie said some stuff and then Peeta and Selise were whisked away to say their final goodbyes.

Everyone started moving, going home or going to say goodbye. I walked to where our mother was, and looked for Prim in the crowd. She came over, and I gave her a huge hug.  I told them to go home, I was going to walk with Gale.

As I was walking over, a Peace Keeper came over and asked if I was Katniss Everdeen and if so I needed to come with him. Gale, who was about 5 feet away, mouthed "It will be okay." and smiled. I kept myself together, smiled at the Peacekeeper and walked with him into the Justice Building.

It was an old place that smelled like moth balls and was in need of a cleaning. We walked down a few halls, going left then right then left before coming to two wooden doors. "Right in here Mrs. Everdeen. You have 2 minutes."

Why did he say I have two minutes? Is that how long I have to live before they execute me for hunting in the woods? I pushed the door open and saw Peeta sitting on a small velvet couch. My mother would call it a love seat.

The door swung shut behind me with an almost non-existent click. "Hi?" I ask, I can hear the confusion as I am sure it is written all over my face.

 I didn't know why I was in here  and was starting to wonder if I was in the wrong room when Peeta stood up and hugged me. His hands were a bit closer to my waist then I would have liked but I put my arms around him.

A few seconds later I pulled my arms back and pushed him away. He had tears running down his cheeks and I was wondering if he already said goodbye to his family. "Thanks for coming Katniss." I wanted to tell him that I was kind of forced to come, but he was going into the Hunger Games. I will be nice. "I-I know we have never really talked before, but I wanted to tell you that I've had a crush on you. I just wanted you to know that and since I probably won't be coming back..." He trailed off and looked at me uncertainly, like he has to tell me he slept with my mom and doesn't know how I will take the news.

I was really moves, and it showed on my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck, because if he is going off...well the least he could die knowing I was sad to see him go. "Peeta, I know we don't  have much time but I want you to know that I will be rooting for you. We need a winner for 12 that isn't a drunk. I believe in you." I didn't know where this came from but my voice was eerily calm and soothing.

I squeezed him even tighter, now feeling the pressure of his hands on my waist. I wish I could freeze this moment. I jumped. Where did that come from? Peeta moved so we could see each other's faces. I smiled, and kissed him on the cheek before the door opened and the Peacekeeper came in.

"Win. I believe in you." I smiled, blinking rapidly to get rid of the tears. We started walking back to the entrance and I took a few deep breaths. The tears went away and I walked out of the Justice Building looking bored. Its a boring building. That didn't keep my from thinking about Peeta and what happened in that room. 

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