Chapter Two

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I stand there, trying to comprehend what is going on. I blink, and now I am outside the bakery, heading to my house. Once I get there, my chest burning, I go into the bedroom I share with my mother and Prim and squeeze under the bed as fast as I can. Prim and I would always hide under here when we were younger and would still play things like Hide and Seek.

I don't know if either Peeta or Gale followed me, but they wouldn't think to look under the bed if they came searching. No one thinks to look under the bed. I try to control my breathing and think about simple things. Prim, out and about playing with friends. My mother, off doing something or other.

I wait for about ten minutes, then slowly crawl out, ready to go back if I hear anyone. I walk around the house and don't see anyone. I go back into the bed room and sit on the bed Prim and I share. Run my hand over the rough scratchy material that is my blanket. It helps calm me down. I go into the kitchen and start making some salad for supper. Made out of dandelions I found in the meadow. I then realize I left my cheese at the bakery.

I look down at my salad and see something fall. I touched my face and see that there are tears running down my face. I don't really know why though. I wipe them away and go lay down. Next thing I know, someone is shaking me. I open my eyes and sit up.

I see Prim, and smile. "Katniss, why are you sleeping?"

"Well, I came in here to lay down and woke up to you shaking me. I guess I was just tired. Have you eaten yet?" She shook her head. "Well lets go eat!" I wondered where our mother was, but she sometimes wouldn't come home, and by now we were used to it.

After we got our food and sat down we talked about Prim's day. "It was fun, my friends and I hung out in the meadow and we were talking about the Hunger Games." The Hunger Games were next week. Prim's name was now in there twice, mine 39.

"Did you have a good day Katniss?" I wanted someone to confide in,  and Prim would understand.  I told her everything, about going to the bakery with cheese, gale, leaving the cheese there...I then trailed off.

"I plan on going to the bakery first thing in the morning after I go take a walk in the meadow. I will get us something in return, either bread or our cheese. What should I do though? I don't even know why I kissed him. I've spoken to him like twice. And Gale, well I will probably run into him tomorrow in the meadow." I was hoping Prim understood that by meadow I meant the woods, you never know when the Capitol is listening.

"Well, I guess you should just have a nice long chat with yourself and try to figure out why you kissed Peeta. Once you have that figured out talk to Gale. Tell him why. He souldn't care if you kissed Peeta, probably more surprised then anything."

i stood up and hugged Prim. "Thank you. You are the best sister in the world. You are still my little duck though." We laughed. "Well I think I am going to go lay down and think this through."

I went into the bedroom and sat down. What the heck Katniss. Maybe tomorrow when I go to get the cheese I will tell Peeta I don't like him that way. I mean. I barely know the dude. But why did I?

I then fell asleep wondering.


I woke up and looked around. Prim was curled up next to me with Buttercup. I smiled and quietly got up. I changed into my hunting outfit, put my hair in a pony tail, and headed out to the fence.

I stopped and listened before crawling under and getting my bow and arrows. I walked up to Gale and my rock, and didn't see him there. I was contemplating waiting for him or just going and checking the traps. I got a stick and wrote Went to check snares be back soon in the dirt and set off.

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