Chapter Fifteen

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I walk to my room and freeze in the doorway. I try to back out and move away from the door, but he must have heard me crying or the door opening. "Hi Katniss."

"Hi Peeta. Is this your room? Sorry, I must have gotten lost. Would you like me to leave?" I sound almost monotonous, even though I still have tears running down my cheeks. I don't know why I said that, I mean, I shouldn't I be rushing into his arms?

Peeta is sitting on the edge of the bed, his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. He is still in his interview suit. I am standing just inside the doorway, my hands at my sides, a statue.

"What's wrong, Katniss?" I don't move, and neither does he. My body goes on autopilot.

"Besides the fact that I'm here with you and Gale?" I frown. "I just said goodbye to my best friend." I shift slightly, the dress making me itchy.

"You don't think I had to do the same? I know the circumstances are slightly different, but I highly doubt that you will be anywhere near him when he dies. I know you would have liked to be, or team up with him, but I have friends that I left too. They get to watch me die on TV."

The tears run down my cheeks, and I walk into the bathroom. Shutting the door I peel off the dress and stand under the warm water, waiting for it to wash all the makeup and dirt off of me. When the water runs clear I step out and put on some pajamas.

I step out and see Peeta in the same position, but he has also showered and changed. I wonder why he is in my room still, because he obviously had to go to his room to shower and change. His hair was still wet.

"Peeta," I say, hesitant. I don't know if he wants to talk or...

"Are we going to talk about this or are we going to pretend it never happened and that the world is perfect? You have Gale again, but what about us?" His voice catches on the word 'us' and I know he probably just got done crying.

I walk over and sit next to him on the bed. There was only an inch separating us. "Peeta, if you were here with your best girl-that-liked-you-more-then-a-friend friend and the girl you liked, you wouldn't want to go into the Arena without making amends, and I needed to say goodbye. Every Tribute gets to say goodbye to the ones they love. Mine just got delayed."

We sit in silence for a while, before Peeta says, "You know what Gale said to me when he was beating me up?" He doesn't look at me for confirmation, just continues to stare at the ground.

I don't nod.

"Well, he first swung as soon as the doors slid shut behind you. There weren't any Peacekeepers, so he could do whatever he wanted.  It hit me in the jaw,  and I fell onto my back. He sat on me and I started freaking out. The Games kind of do that to you. Heads up. I got a good swing at him before he jumped up and kicked me in the chest. He said, 'She doesn't love you. She doesn't even like you. Trust me, I've been trying for years. When I finally tell her, I find out you got to her first. The love of my life whisked away for some guy that kissed her once. If all I knew was that it took one kiss,' Gale then leaned down and started punching me in the face again. He knocked all the wind out of me. Finally some Peacekeepers came and stopped him.

"He let them pull him off and away, he didn't even put up the tiniest fight. When they were pulling him away, I looked at him. He was grinning. Like ear to ear grinning. I think I passed out after that. I closed my eyes for a second, then sat up. A few seconds later, a Peacekeeper came and said it was my turn. I made somewhat of an effort, threw some knives. The Game makers must have noticed my face and felt bad. Gave me a 4 for my effort."

He stopped talking and stood up. He took a few steps foreword and spun around. "I've been thinking about it, Katniss," He did that weird little cough laugh thing. Smiled and shook his head. "I know I shouldn't have listened to Gale, and I would go back and forth. Telling myself Gale would say whatever to drive a wedge between us. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how there must have been some truth to his words."

"Peeta-" I stood up and tried to walk toward him, but he put his hand up and took a step back. I stopped.

"No. Just listen, okay?" He ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know what is going through your head, but, I know what is going through mine." He refused to make eye contact and it seemed the room dropped 30 degrees.

I didn't give him time to continue, I just ran up to him and pressed my lips to his. He stiffened. I felt something stir in me, and that scared me but made me cling to Peeta even more. He put his hands on my shoulders and gently but firmly pushed me back.

I started to speak but he put his hand over my mouth. "Katniss, I know you don't want to go into the Arena without making amends, so lets right now. I won't pretend to know what you are going through, but I want you to know that I forgive you for what ever happened in the arena. Thank you for making the last few weeks the best. I couldn't have dealt with this if I didn't have you."

"Goodbye Katniss."

Okay I know, kind of a lame chapter ending. I was actually planning on them going into the Games, but Peeta talked. A lot. More then expected. So, sorry, I just gave that away....but thanks for reading, and if you have any songs that you find fitting for certain chapters, please tell me. I really appreciate it. Thanks!

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