Chapter Twelve

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Okay so I just went and looked and noticed that these are short chapters. They will get longer once they are in the games. Thank you if you are this far! I am trying to update ASAP.

Have a great New Year!!

The doors slid shut behind me, and they let me go. "You must go up to your room, Mrs. Everdeen. Or we will have to restrain you." I ran past them and tried banging on the door. The two Peacekeepers grabbed me before I could though.

They had to haul me up to my floor before finally letting me go. The elevator doors slid shut before I could stop them, and when I tried to get one of them to come up, they wouldn't. I fell to the floor and lay there screaming and crying. Haymitch came and helped me up. I wasn't sure how long I was laying on the ground, but I managed to stop crying by the time we got to the living room. Effie was no where to be found, so I was going to luck out on the manners and acting like a lady speech.

"What happened down there, Sweetheart?" The way he said 'sweetheart' made me spill everything with out hesitation. I told him about everything from when we were first waiting, to the Peacekeepers dumping me on the floor. "Well, if no one stopped them when he first started hitting Peeta, then they probably won't punish him any more then they already have."

"What do you mean? Like living in 12 and being forced to take part in the Games?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yes. He will just have to face it. I know you don't want to hear it, but it could give him an edge. The Gamemakers might see the cuts and give him a better score. The others will take him as a more serious competitor. Might want him in the Career pack again. That might be nice right Sweetheart?"

"I guess. When he comes ba-" You could hear the elevator doors slide and footsteps in the hallway. Haymitch must have been preparing for this because he grabbed me and brought me into my room.

Putting me on the bed and trying to restrain me got him a huge claw mark down the side of his face. He straddled me and held me down to the bed until I gave up. "Are you okay now?" Haymitch asked. I nodded. "I will not hesitate to have some Peacekeepers or Avoxes come in and knock you out. You will only wake up for your interview, then for when you are about to go into the Games. Would you like that?"

"No. I will be nice." I grumbled.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"I will be nice!" I yelled.

"Thanks. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go get my face looked at." The look he was giving me said I would pay for this later. Games later. He walked out. I lay there until the door wooshed open.

"You need to come out. We are eating then they will present us with your scores from training. Alright, Sweetheart?" I looked at him and he had a few bandages wrapped around his face.

I followed him into the dining room but saw that it was only Haymitch, Effie, and me. "Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Well, Peeta and Gale have decided to eat in their rooms." Effie squeaked. To me it seemed like she had a different voice or accent every day.

I mumbled something about them being babies, and didn't say a word all through dinner. I honestly couldn't tell you what we had if you asked me 20 minutes later.

"Come on Sweetheart, it is time to go see what your scores are for training." He tuned to an Avox. "Can you fetch Gale and Peeta?" The girl rushed off with a simple head nod.

Haymitch led me into the living room. I sat down on a recliner chair and tucked my feet under myself. Haymitch and Effte sat down on the couch near each other. When Gale and Peeta walked in I forced myself to stare at the screen.

I didn't pay any attention until Ceaser Flickerman said my name. "Katniss Everdeen, from District 12, with a score of, 6." I got up and started to leave but Haymitch grabbed my arm. I froze. I didn't look back, I just listened to Ceaser.

"Gale Hawthorne, with a score of, 10. And finally, Peeta Mellark, the Victor from District 12, with a score of, 4." I didn't listen to him finish. I ran.

I stumbled around and found myself on the roof. The memories of Peeta and I, laying on each other, my chest pressed against his. He has wanted to take my shirt off, but was content with it on.

I sat down with my back to the balcony. I rested my head along my knees, enjoying the cool of the wall on my back. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks.

I sat there, when I felt something. It must have been all the years of hunting, but I could tell someone was up here with me. If they were here the whole time, or just followed me, I'm not sure. I could tell thought.

"What do you want?" I said. I could hear some of my pain leak into my voice. I internally cringed. Even Effie probably could have picked up on that.

Hearing nothing, I looked up. Before I knew it I was pressed up against the wall with my hands above my head.

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