Chapter Nine

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I was laying on a metal table in a building next to the Training Center, getting ready for the Opening Ceremony. The Opening Ceremony was where all the tributes would be dressed up to resemble something from their district.

My stylist had yet to come. For the past few hours I have had almost all of the hair ripped off of my body. All my leg and underarm hair anyways. My nails were clipped, eyebrows plucked, all sorts of different creams put on my. After, my skin was raw and cold. I was lying on this table naked, waiting for my stylist.

A man walked in and told me to stand up. He was about six foot, with curly black hair. Most stylists were old people desperate to look younger. He wasn't thought. He couldn't be more then 25. The only thing slightly weird was the metallic god eyeliner that he wore. He must have been new, for I haven't seen him before.

"Hello. Katniss is it?" I nodded. "My name is Cinna. Could you stand up for a minute?" I did. He walked around me and I resisted the urge to cross my arms over my chest. "You may put your robe on. I'm sorry if you felt uncomfortable. Lets go into the other room and talk. It will be much more comfortable then that table."

We walked out and into a room directly across the hallway. Inside, there were two chairs and a table with fish and a thing of cut up fruit. There were cups, plates, drinks, all that we would need. "You will eat here, then I will get you ready for the Opening Ceremony. You know what that is right?" I nodded.

We ate quickly, and after he continued talking.

"Alright. I understand you have always been coal miners? This year I would like to do something different. This year, I would like to focus more on the coal and embers. Are you afraid of fire, Katniss?" My face must have shown it because he laughed.

He walked over and I saw a white bag hanging. He took the article of clothing out and I saw it was a black jumpsuit. There are also black boots that go up to my knee. I put it on and looked in the mirror. It went from my neck to over my feet. We went back into the room across the hall and Cinna did my hair and makeup. A pic is on the side.

When I looked in the mirror my jaw dropped. My face was clear of makeup, except for a bit of highlighting here and there. My hair was up in a braid up-do. There was a cape with red, orange and yellow on it that Cinna was going to light up before we went out.

We exited the room and walked down the hall then we reached a door. We walked a bit further then reached a huge room filled with horses and other tributes. The victors would go after the male and female tributes. So that meant Peeta would be last. We walked over and I saw Peeta and Gale were dressed in identical outfits.

Gale ran his hand through his hair a few times, messing it up. His stylist, some lady with what looked like fish scales on her face, started fretting and trying to fix it. He just pushed her away.  Peeta had his hair slicked up, looking very nice.

Our horses were black, like coal. There wasn't anyone to direct them, they were just that well trained. As District 1 went, Cinna came over with a small torch and lit all of our capes on fire. I stood next to Gale in the chariot, and saw Peeta climb in behind us. I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"While you are out there, keep your heads up! They will love you!" Cinna called out to us as our chariot moved foreword and I turned around. Once the crowd saw us, they all started screaming and cheering.

I did as Cinna asked, even blowinga few kisses. I looked over at Gale and saw he was staring straight ahead, looking really mad. I wondered if it was part of his startegy or he just was mad about this.

We circled around and came to a stop by the other tribute chariots. The flames dissapeared and it was dark. Then President Snow appeared and all the lights went to him. 

"Welcome!" His voice boomed so loud you vould feel the vibrations. "Welcome. Tributes, we welcome you." Gale chuckles softly at this. I hit his hand. "Welcome to the Seventy-Fifth Annual Hunger Games! Tributes, we would like to thank you for your honor, and your sacrifice. Remember, Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor."

We then went one by one back into the stables. Once we returned, everyone started telling us about how we did great and we will have a lot of sponsors. I looked around and noticed a few of the Districts giving us dirty looks.

Haymitch must have noticed also because he said, "Lets go up to our room and talk there." 

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