Chapter Eighteen

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Before we left Finnick wanted to see if I had any water or food in my pack. Inside was a water bottle filled with water, iodine drops, two knives, some matches, rope, and a sleeping bag. I gave Finnick one of the knives, and kept the other one in the bag. The bag was thankfully waterproof, so nothing got wet.

We didn't talk on the swim to the main island. He retrieved any arrows that fell out. He must have spent all of his free time swimming. He could hold his breath for amazing periods of time. While I was swimming I felt something brush by my leg and I started kicking, only to find out it was Finnick. It made me wonder what else was in this water. I kept Paylor's knife in my hand after that incident, but traded it for my bow when we got to the main land.

We took a few sips of water, then headed up the beach. He went left and I went right, we were about 100 feet away from each other. The cornucopia was in the middle of the island, and after us walking in opposite directions around it, we saw no one on the island and raided the cornucopia.

"Find anything good?" I call out. Most stuff is picked over but I grab a small container of food.

"I now have two tridents, and my own sleeping bag. I know you are probably disappointed we can't share it, but it is for the best." I look at him and roll my eyes. He walks over and sets his hands on my waist and puts his head on my shoulder. "Did you find anything good? Besides me, I mean."

 I pushed him away and said, "In your dreams Odair."  I look around. "Where do you think everyone went?" Looking around, there were about 8 islands, all either trees or huge sand dunes.

"I would go for the trees. So most others would too. What do you think we should do?" Finnick asks.

"I would prefer the trees, but it doesn't matter to me." I look from his tridents to the island we were on. "Hey, how did you get to the cornucopia and to that island so fast?"

He looks slightly puzzled. "I came around the cornucopia, grabbed this, got some kid, then went in a wide circle around you. Being from district 4, I am an amazing swimmer. I came up on the beach and followed Paylor. I made my way around her, debating if I should just get it over with, when she started walking out onto the beach. I hid on the edge of the forest, and watched you guys. When I saw you whisper to her, I backed off and got ready. And, you know the rest."

I nod. "Should we head back to where we were?" I ask. Finnick nods.

We crawl onto the beach exhausted. "Lets just head into the forest and see what happens. Ladies first." Finnick smiles, and I just walk away. We walk for a while, and I manage to get a rabbit. At what I assume is three, we rest.

"What would you like to do about this rabbit? If we wait too long to cook it, it will go bad. We can't eat it raw, or we will get sick." I don't really like all the 'we' in that, but what can you do? "It isn't close to supper time yet though."

"Lets just cook it now. We can save it for later, and maybe someone will come near. We can leave it in the open and hide in the brush to see if anyone comes. If not, oh well. No harm, no foul. I will go get some wood. I won't go far, don't worry." I shook my head and looked at the trees above. I could easily climb any of them.

Finnick was walking away, so I quickly started climbing. Why not have some fun with him right? I climbed up high enough where I could still see the clearing, but still be concealed in the leaves. I straddled the trunk and put the backpack on the other side, and wrapped my legs around the pack. I put my legs in the handles so if it fell I would still catch it.

A minute or so after getting situated, Finnick came back. He looked around puzzled. "Katniss?" He call-whispered. Then he called a little bit louder. He moved and I couldn't see him through the leaves. I slowly made my way down, trying to be quiet.

I was about 20 feet from the ground when Finnick came back. He was crouched, his trident raised defensively. There was a snap! behind him and while he went to go check that out I climbed the rest of the way down. I set my bag in the middle of the clearing propped up as best I could and concealed myself in a large bush by a neighboring tree.

Finnick came back and stared at the bag. He looked up in the trees, and I smiled. "What are you doing Katniss? You didn't run off, you wouldn't leave the backpack here. Now, where are you hiding?" He was still looking up at the trees, so he didn't see the knife coming towards him.

I just had time to yell duck, before it hit him in the back. I jumped out of the bush as fast as I could and loaded my bow. "Come out!" I yelled.

I let the arrow go, but didn't hear anyone yell. Finnick managed to crawl out of the clearing, when I saw the person who threw the knife. Out of the trees, with their hands up, was Peeta. I quickly dropped my bow and arrow and ran to Finnick.

"It is okay, you can make it. Stay here Finnick." The blood was spreading, and I wasn't sure if I could help. I pulled him onto me, felt the blood on my hands, thick and hot.

"I know. I'm too beautiful to die." He smiled up at me and tears started running down my cheeks. "Don't cry Katniss," He coughed up blood, and it got on me. Peeta came and knelt by me. "See, now you have Peeta. He isn't as hot as me, but it wouldn't have worked out..." He trailed off and I felt him go limp.

"I'm so sorry Katniss, I didn't know, I- I-I-" Peeta stuttered.

"Peeta." I said in a stern voice. I pulled the knife out and lay him on the ground. I shut his eyes, and whispered, "I'm sorry Finnick."

"Katniss," Peeta started. I grabbed my backpack and walked away. My tears turned to rage. I started running and didn't stop until I was tired. I quickly climbed a tree and didn't stop until I was 40 feet up.

After a while Peeta came by. "Peeta." I called out. He looked around startled. I started making my way down the tree.

"Where are you?" Peeta called. He looked up at the trees then saw me crawling down. "I'm so sorry, Katniss." He wrapped his arms around me, and I realized that I left the rabbit back by Finnick. I slowly melted into Peeta, and after a while we broke apart.

 "Its fine. It had to happen eventually." My voice caught. "At least we found each other." We made our way to the beach and I saw it was to be about six. "I'm going to go hunting." We made our way into the woods but it seemed that Peeta was making every effort to step on all the branches and be as loud as possible. "Peeta, why don't you stay here and do something?"

"Am I being too loud?" He asked. I nodded. Mind as well be fully honest. "Okay. Meet back up at the beach later. Yell if you need me." I was hesitant about leaving him but if he was that willing to walk away, then so was I.

An hour later I was at the beach with two rabbits. The sun was starting to set, and I didn't want to wait long for Peeta. I made a small fire and started cooking the rabbits. Peeta showed up soon after they were done.

"Sorry, I got lost. I smelled food and somehow found you." He smiled. I handed him one of the rabbits and took the other one. "Shouldn't we try to ration it?" He asked after seeing me dig in.

"I can always get more. I have food in my pack also." I replied. After we were done, we moved back into the forest a ways. "Do you want first watch?" I asked. I got out the sleeping bag and lay it on the ground.

He shrugged. "Are we both sleeping in that?" He motioned to the bag. I blushed.

"It should fit both of us." We got situated, sharing our body heat.

"Do you want to talk about it Katniss?" I knew he was referring to Finnick, but I was already drifting off.

"No..." I managed to say, before drifting off.

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