Chapter Six

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I took a few steps back and made myself stand up straight and look Gale in the eye. I sighed. I didn't want to deal with this. "Gale, can I talk to you after dinner? I can smell it and don't want to get interrupted, so lets just do it after." I didn't want to admit I had no idea what I was going to say, and dinner would help. Food would help.  But there was a shadow of doubt across his face.

I walked out and sat down at the table where I did earlier. Dinner came and went, I couldn't tell you what we ate but I tried to eat as much as I could. After, I went to my room again. I changed into some soft pants with a ribbon on the front that disappeared into slits in the band, and a pink t-shirt. I folded my dress and set it on the dresser.

I heard Gale knock, even though the door was open. "Come in." I called. I was in the bathroom braiding my hair.

"Hey Catnip." When we first met I had said my name so quietly that he thought I had said Catnip. Then when a crazy lynx started following me around it became my permanent nick name. I ended up having to killing it because it was scaring off game.

I walk over and hug him. "I'm sorry you are here. I know that we both can't make it home, and its going to be even harder with the victors. I know you don't want to talk about that but it needs to be done. Sorry, I am done."

His smile is grim. "Okay, I'm still trying to digest this, so if we could wait until we get to the," he shudders, "Capitol." He sneers. I smile. "Back to why we are here though, I'm not really all that sorry about what I said."

"If you are going to be mean then you can leave. Have fun in the Games. If you want to stay you will need to be good. Please?"

He shakes his head. "I guess there are really only a few things I want to know. One, why do you suddenly like him, and two, we have been friends forever. You are picking some guy you have known for two days?"

I look at him, surprised at his question. The first part stumps me. I'm not sure. "Okay, fair enough. I guess it is because I was with him when we heard about the Games. Why I was at his house in the first place, I don't really know. After we found out he walked me home. He kissed me, and I guess I just thought, he might not make it back so, why not? I know that sounds terrible," I could feel my cheeks heating up. " But what does it matter now since we will be dead in a week?"

My cheeks were cooled off by the tears running down my face. I angrily wiped them away and turned around. "Second, yeah we are best friends. What are you trying to say?"

I turned around again, and curled my toes into the too-soft carpet. "Come on Katniss." He ran his hands through his hair and curled his slender fingers into fists. He pulled his hands out and made a noise that sounded like "Ulg!" or something. His hands were at his side in fists. "Whatever," He said, them walked out.

I walked over and laid on the bed, sinking into it. I relaxed my body and thought about Prim and my mother. Life before Peeta, the Games. How it would be so much easier if I just went into this alone. Every man for himself. 

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