Chapter Seven

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I was running through a forest with a bow and arrow in my hands. I don't know what I was running from, I just knew it wasn't good. I could hear the twigs snapping, it sounded like they came from every direction. Branches were materializing in front of my face, each one leaving my face stinging.

I could feel the terror and adrenaline running through my veins, like when you reach the top of the big hill on a roller coaster. I looked around and behind me every few seconds, seeing nothing. My lungs are burning, and I look up. I run about 10 feet to a huge evergreen tree on the outskirts of a small clearing. (An Evergreen tree is a big Christmas tree;) 

They aren't that hard to climb, if you don't mind all the needles, and provide good camouflage. I climb about three-fourths of the way up and look around below me. I had my bow ready, I could feel the tension. I heard more twigs, but they seemed to be coming from where I was instead of everywhere. I turned my body, and saw an outline of something huge. It looked like a huge snake with arms. I aimed at the creature, and just as I was about to let go, I awoke.


I open my eyes to see Effie standing over me, her face white with little puff ball-looking things on her face. She reeked of perfume that was too sweet, and the puff balls were giving me a headache. "Get up Katniss! It is going to be a big, big day today! We are going to arrive at the Capitol and meet the stylists right after lunch!"  She squeaked.

"Okay give me a sec to wake up."  I ran a hand through my hair, untangling it.

Effie smiled at me. "Don't worry about what you look like, when we get to the Capitol the stylists will fix you up. Breakfast will be in about 5 minutes, so don't dilly dally!" She walked out in her puff-ball slipper things.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I used the toilet then put my hair in a bun. I slipped on some jeans and a long-sleeved blue shirt. It was silky, and I rubbed my hand over it a few times.

I went into the dining room, and saw there was a long table filled with food to one side. I took a deep breath through my nose, and could smell everything from sausage to eggs to syrup. It smelled wonderful. There was a man standing next to it and I asked if I could grab what I wanted. He nodded and I said thanks.

I loaded my plate with little round sausages covered in grease, eggs, little rolls covered in cherry sauce, and orange juice. I sat down, but I was the only one. I started eating, and after I was done and about to stand up and go for seconds, everyone walked in.

I sat back down and waited until Haymitch had grabbed a plate and then walked up for more. I grabbed some flat looking rolls, which were called pancakes according to the little name plate, and put on syrup. I also grabbed some plain rolls and sat down across from Peeta.

The pancakes were light and fluffy, the syrup very rich. Peeta was dipping his rolls into a mug, and when he pulled them out were dripping with a light brown liquid. He saw me staring and said, "It's something they call hot chocolate. It's amazing. You should try some." I smiled and went to grab some.

On my way back I looked at Gale, and he was looking at me in disgust. I sat down and finished my pancakes and tried the hot chocolate. It was amazing.

"So," Haymitch said, "What are you two good at? Peeta, unless you have learned something new over the past year, stay quiet." He grabbed a flask out of his pocket and pored a brown liquid into his coffee.  

I looked at Gale, and he looked at me expectantly. "Well apparently I'm going first." I said, shooting Gale a look before turning back to Haymitch. "I can handle a knife, but am better off with a bow and arrows." He nodded, then turned to Gale.

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