Chapter Seventeen

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I ran. The gong sounded and I took off. It was hard to find purchase in the sand and with the sun beating down, I wasn't sure if I could make it out. The victor from District 2 was also heading towards the Cornucopia, and by default, me. I glanced around and luckily didn't see anyone else.

Reaching the cornucopia I grabbed the bow and flung the quiver of arrows over my shoulder. I turned and aimed at the man running at me, but seeing my bow he dived behind the cornucopia. Quickly snagging another quiver and a back pack, I ran.

More people were reaching the cornucopia, but I didn't think anyone was coming after me. There were a few people that were in the water, and I made sure I headed away from them. I set my sights on an island that was covered in trees and, not seeing anyone, I ran into the water.

Some of it got in my mouth and I knew instantly that it was sea water. Undrinkable. If you did, you would go mad after drinking it for awhile. I made a mental note to search for water on this tree island.

I managed to keep my arrows and still swim to the island. When I was little there was a lake in the woods my father would take me to. The water never got more then five feet deep, so if you could just bounce your way, you could get anywhere.

I pulled myself onto the sand and lay there. The adrenaline rush I had left me. I sat facing the main island. I couldn't really see who was dying, I was just hoping that I wouldn't see either Peeta's or Gale's face in the sky tonight.

I froze. I could tell there was someone behind me. I guess it is just a hunters instinct, but there was someone, or something, behind me. Quickly thinking over my options, and seeing only one, I slowly got up and stretched my arms.

Spinning around I grabbed an arrow and aimed. It was a girl that looked to be16 or 17. Her strawberry blonde hair was pulled back in a high pony. Her jumpsuit looked the same as mine. She had a small knife in her hand, but looked terrified. She was roughly 5 foot 8, but I didn't feel intimidated. I could just let go of this arrow and she would be dead.

There is movement behind the girl. I quickly scan the tree line and make out someone in the shadows. Not wanting to let either of these people know I know there is someone in the trees, I say, "Slowly walk toward me, the blade pointing left. Or right. If you try anything, I will let this go and you will be dead before you can blink. And keep quiet."

She walked over and I snatched the knife from her and slid it into the pocket of my jumpsuit. "What's your name?" I ask. If I can keep this girl on my side, we can take out this mystery person.

"Paylor. From District 8."  I say my name and district then quickly lean close to her.

Making sure the person can't see my mouth, I whispered, "There is someone in the woods behind you. Do not panic, we can take this person out. If I yell run, you do it. Don't hesitate. Head for the water and go." I look at her and she nods.

I hand her the knife back, and make sure I can always see it. I hope she doesn't attack me before we get this person. I try to be as casual as you can be in the Hunger Games, and I notice that the person has moved deeper into the woods.

"Is that all you got from the cornucopia? Not that its a bad thing." I add quickly. "I'm surprised I didn't die getting this stuff." I point to my bow and arrows and bag.

"Yeah, I started heading that way but saw you and that big guy get there first. I was close enough though that there was semi-decent stuff on the ground. I was too freaked out to do anything else. I figured since you had a bow everyone would be dead. So I ran here."

Once we are on the outskirts of the forest, I call out, "I know you're there. You can run, but you will only be delaying what's coming. If we have to chase you it won't be so quick." Paylor smiles at me, encouraging me. I can see in her eyes that she is terrified though. I wish I could tell her I feel the same way. We walk farther in.

"Oh yeah?" The voice is deep and very male. I wonder if it is a victor, and really start to freak out. The man suddenly materializes in front of us. His jumpsuit is light grey, so he must be a victor. He has a trident in his hand, but he isn't in any position to strike, so I keep my bow down too.

The guy has blonde hair and sea green eyes. Very cute. I think about how he is going to probably kill us and suddenly he doesn't seem too cute. "Finnick Odair, district four. Fishing." He uses his trident to wave. I wave my loaded bow at him.

If he is from District four, I think, why isn't he with the careers? "Why aren't you with the Careers?" I ask it because I am both curious and want to think of a way to get out of this.

"Fine. Don't tell me your names. But, I will be nice and answer your question." He smiles again. "I didn't want to team up the first time. Now with both victors and newbies, waay too risky. Better to be alone. It would be nice to have a couple allies though." He looks at Paylor and I follow his eyes.

She is practically swooning. Before I can say anything, she says, "We would love to!" I look at her like are you serious? She understands and says, "I'm Paylor by the--" She stops talking and looks down.

Coming out of her chest is a spear.

She falls to the ground and curls her body around the spear. She starts to convulse and moan. The front of her suit is blood red. "I'm so sorry." I whisper to her.

"How many are there?" I hiss at Finnick. He moves stealthily to the edge and quickly comes back.

"Four." He says back. "Two and two?" I am confused at first but then he says, "You go right, I will go left. Take out as many as you can. Go."

I quickly move behind a tree and see two boys and two girls moving up the beach. One girl has a spear in both hands, while the rest have knives. They have black jump suits, so they must be the newbie Careers.

I aim for the one closest to me and let my arrow fly. It hit a girl with black hair in the chest. She tried to say something, but fell to the ground dead before she could. The others flattened themselves against the sand I got another girl with an arrow to the side of the head, right above the ear.

One of the boys, a guy with white-blonde hair yelled, "Come out and fight!" I saw Finnick run at them and I followed. They leaped up and ran for the water. I took the guy that yelled down with another arrow and Finnick stabbed the other boy. The sand was turning red, and some of it was getting in the water. I pulled the arrow out of the boy and saw him cough up blood.

I turned away and retrieved my other arrows. I ran back to Paylor, and heard cannons go off. Silently counting them off in my head. "I counted eleven."

Finnick nodded. "They must have been waiting for us." I looked toward the main island and saw no one. "What's your name?" I turned back and saw Finnick staring at me.

"Katniss Everdeen. So, are we forming an alliance or do I have to kill you now?" I smiled, but it wasn't a joke.

"For now. I promise I won't kill you in your sleep if you promise too. Don't be surprised if you wake up to find me gone." I nod and promise also. I don't know how long the alliance will last, and I still feel uneasy about it. "Want to go see if there is anyone on the main island?"

I look at the forest, where Paylor lies, then at the water where it is turning purple in places. "I guess, but I'm not swimming through blood."

He laughs. "I like you Katniss. I hope we can continue this alliance for a while." I look away so he doesn't see how much that unnerves me. I head into the water.

**If you want to see Finnick google search "Sam Claflin Finnick" and he should be in his jumpsuit. He will be on the side next chappie...That is Paylor on this one.

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