Chapter Fourteen

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I walked off the stage and found Effie and Haymitch waiting for me in a room off the main hall. Inside there was a table with food, a couch, and a table with drinks. There was a TV on the wall that was showing the interviews live, and I watched Gale walk out.

Effie congratulated me and Haymitch said, "Nice job Sweetheart, you seemed almost likeable." I was about to make some smart comeback when Effie shushed us. I glared at him and turned to the TV.

"So Gale, how are you liking the Capitol?" I could tell that he wanted to tell Ceaser what he really thought, but said it was fine. Nothing like home though. "Is there someone waiting in District 12 for you?"

Gale chuckled. He then looked straight at the camera, and I swear, he was looking directly at me when he replied.  The room has suddenly gone cold. Very cold.

 "If you asked me that a week and a half ago, I might have said yes. That was the direction it was going, anyway." I never really thought about it, but it was always there. We both knew it would end up like that. Or something like that. "Now, she has her sights set on another. You all know both of them quite well in fact." Everyone gasps.

"Wait, you mean Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark?" Ceaser asks, the shock in his voice.

"Yes. For the past four years, Katniss and I haven't really left each other's side. We weren't together or anything, I don't even know if she knew the extent of my feelings until less then a week ago." Gale looks sad, and the crowd "awws". I can tell they sympathize with him. "On a positive note though, I have met a new girl. You know her too. Her name is Johanna Mason." Ceaser looks surprised, and I shake my head.

Ceaser then starts talking about the arena and training.

Haymitch turns to me. "Effie, can you give us a second?" Frowning at him, she walks out. "Do you want to go somewhere el-"

I cut him off, my words harsh. "No. I will not hide from him anymore. Gale pointed it out to me earlier, I won't have you to protect me in the arena." I pause, and take a slow deep breath. I glance up at the screen before looking back at Haymitch.

"Well, good luck to you Gale Hawthorne. I wish you and Johanna luck." He winks and they bow before walking off stage.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you." I say, trying to sound sincere.

 "Its fine. An-" The door opens and Gale walks in. Before he can, I smile at him. It is the fake one I used in the interview. Gale will know that. He will also get the meaning behind it.

He knows I will be there when he dies.

"Hey Katniss. I like your dress." I somehow manage to keep the smile on my face. The room is so cold that I have goosebumps on my arms. I'm not sure if it is just me or not, and I look over at Haymitch hoping he will intervene.

"Nice suit. I'm not really sure how many sponsors that will get you, that stunt you pulled about Katniss and Peeta. I know what you did. I might have done the same if our roles were reversed." I am now I frozen icicle. It takes all my willpower to look at the tv where Peeta is walking out.

He is dressed similar to how Gale is, but the flames look a bit more realistic. The stylists have not covered up his cuts and bruises at all, and I wonder why.

 They start off by talking about his year as a victor, and his thoughts on going back in. "To that, I have nothing to say. You can take that anyway you want." His expression is grim.

 "Okay," Ceaser says. "What are your thoughts on what fellow competitor Gale Hawthorne said about you and Katniss Everdeen?" I know he is pushing it, and I can tell he does too. Peeta manages to hide his anger, and takes a moment to think about it.

I quickly glance at Gale and he looks bemused, yet there is a faint smile on his lips. I glance away before he notices, and silently wish that Peeta can make this sound better then it really is.

"Well Ceaser, I didn't know that there was something between them. From what I noticed, Katniss did what she wanted, and Gale just followed her around. I don't know how Katniss didn't see it, but I know anyone else could. All the dirty looks people would give Katniss. I'm not implying that I think she is dumb for not noticing, but she was probably just preoccupied with her sister.

"If Katniss liked Gale," He continued, "She had plenty of time to say it. If she liked him she would have noticed the way he looked at her. So all of you that think I am a bad person, take it out on me, not Katniss."

I look at Gale out of the corner of my eye and saw Gale looking at me, perplexed. I looked away knowing he saw the sorrow on my face.

Ceaser nods. "I understand. Is there anything you would like to say?"

"I won't back down." Peeta says.

"I wish you and Katniss the best of luck. That concludes the Seventy-fifth Hunger Games!" They bow, and Peeta walks off stage. Ceaser says a few things about the Games, and times but I'm not paying attention.

Peeta, Gale, and I have less then twelve hours before the Games.

I ride the elevator up with Johanna Mason. She doesn't say anything, just sits there and glares at me. We are almost to her floor when I finally snap, "What?"

The elevator doors slide open, and I wonder if she is going to respond, when just as the doors are about to close, she says "I can't wait to watch you die." She smiles and walks out.

When I get to my floor I find myself going to Gale's room. I knock, and when I hear no protesting, I walk in. "Gale," I call out tentatively. I don't really know why I came, but I must be here for some reason.

"Hmm?" He is laying on the bed with the blankets covering most of him. His face and hair are clear of all makeup and product, I assumed that's the first thing he did when he got to his room.

"I wanted to say.." I trail off. What did I want to say? Gale sits up and looks at me expectantly. I look at my feet, then around at his room. It is identical to mine, but he has stuff scattered everywhere. A few dresser drawers are pulled out, the contents everywhere.

I looked back at Gale. His hair was all tousled, how it always was. I had the sudden urge to run my fingers through it. I shook my head slightly and noticed I was moving forward. I froze. The room seemed to get really cold again.

Gale got up and stood two feet away. He had on some black drawstring pants, and was shirtless. Go figure. "I know. What Peeta said, it helped me understand. You say nothing though. Okay?"

"Really?" I didn't expect Gale to say something like that.

"I don't know what is going to happen in the Games, so I figured we should somewhat make up." I nodded. I walked up to Gale and put my arms around him. He was like a furnace.

"Okay. I will see you tomorrow." I step back and smile. In my best Capitol accent, I say, "And may the odds-"

"Be ever in your favor." He finishes. I look around like I am expecting berry bushes to appear, but none do.

"I guess I will maybe see you tomorrow? If you want to team up, I'm game but Peeta is going to be there also. I don't trust Johanna Mason at all, so don't get mad at me if I act weird around her."

"It will be the same with Peeta. Goodbye Catnip." Tears start running down my face when Gale calls me Catnip. It feels like they are burning my face.

"Goodbye Gale." 

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