Chapter Thirteen

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"Gale, let go of me!" I said, letting my anger seep into my words. Struggling proved worthless, Gale was always really strong. At least, stronger then me. I tried kicking him, but he took one of his hands off mine, and grabbed my face.

"If you kick me one more time, I will smash your head into this wall. Don't test me Catnip." He smiled. I shook my head and he moved his hand off my face. "What's wrong Katniss? I though you liked it when I called you that. Do you remember all the fun we had hunting?"

"What. Do. You. Want. Gale." I said.

"Sorry, am I making you mad? I would hate to do that. So Katniss, how is Peeta? He isn't beautiful anymore, but you can look past that since you know him soo well, that doesn't matter right? Or is it because he was the first person to tell you he loves you? I'm confused. Which is it Katniss?"

I spat at him. "Leave me alone Gale." I didn't know what to think. Why did I like Peeta? My head started to hurt. I stood tall and tried to figure a way out. I put my head up, and looked Gale in the eye.

"Actually, I think I will do what I want. I'm not warped around your finger anymore." I snapped. I brought my knee up, making contact with his groin. He bent over, and I ran. "Katniss," He called out.

Once I got to the door, I turned to look behind me. He was stumbling towards me, still bent over. "Of course Gale. Whatever you say." Then I bolted. I ran down the stairs, almost falling. I started calling out for Haymitch. Or really anyone for that matter.

 "What is it Sweetheart, going to come apologize to Effie? After you left she started complaining about your bad manners." He chuckled. I followed his voice. He was in the same spot he was when I left, with a glass that had some light purple liquid in it.

I collapsed on the couch next to him. I knew he probably wouldn't care, but I told him what happened on the roof as best I could. When I was done I looked up and he told me to follow him. We walked through the kitchen, down a hallway, then another, until he stopped in front of a few Peacekeepers.

They were standing there glaring at us, when Haymitch told them about Gale coming after me. One of them nodded and they moved aside to let Haymitch and me into whatever they were guarding. Inside was a simple room that looked like the one I was in the past few days.

"You can stay in here tonight and tomorrow. This is the best I can do for you, Katniss. In the arena though..." He trailed off.

I hugged him and said, "Thank you, Haymitch."

"Whatever." He grumbled. "Well, I will see you tomorrow. You have your interview with Ceaser so you will spend part of the day with me, part of it with Effie, then you will have free time before getting ready for the interview. Got it Sweetheart?" I nodded again. Then he walked out.

That night I had nightmares. I didn't remember what they were about, but I woke up twice in a cold sweat. Waking up around four again, I lay there until someone knocked on my door. "Mrs. Everdeen, it is time for you to report to breakfast."  The Peacekeeper said.

I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Quickly cleaning my teeth and smoothing my hair into a braid, I headed out.

It was a buffet again, and I filled my plate with an assortment of food. The chicken was tender, the fruit was bursting with flavor, and the sauce was savory. After I had started eating, Haymitch, Effie, and Peeta came in.

I gasped, then tried to cover it by coughing. He could tell. He had a cut above his left eye, and there was a huge bruise on his right cheek and jaw. (The picture on the side is what it would look like on Peeta).

 "Morning, Sweetheart. Thanks for waiting for us."  Haymitch says. I can see that he is trying to keep this light.

"Go take a bath, Haymitch." I respond.

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