Ch. 33

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Trigger warning.

8/16 Edit: this chapter is stupid and I shouldn't have just written it to play with the emotions of young, impressionable teens and preteens, myself being one. I do not condone self-harm. If you do or are thinking about doing self-harm, get medical help immediately. Live for you, not for the people around you. You are worth it, even though you might not think it. Thank you.

Barry's POV

I felt like I was about to throw up.

I curved around onto Arin's road, speeding down to his house. I jumped out of the car and Ross' shadow was in his bedroom window.

I ran into the house, paying no attention to the other people who may have been home at the time. All that mattered was saving Arin.

When I got into his room, Ross was sitting next to Arin, who was crying. He whispered gently into Arin's ear, but it was all virtually inaudible from my standing point.

"Hey, B-Barry. C-come next t-to me." Arin patted the seat next to him on his bed, shaking. He had a weak smile cracked and puffy eyes.

"I was worried about you, dude." I said, patting his back. Arin put his face in his hands again. Ross gave him a patient smile.

"I-I just can't believe he said n-no." He muttered, shaking harder. I hushed him, rubbing the small of his back.

I looked at the counter next to Ross and saw a heart shaped box with a bow on top. It was slightly cracked open, revealing three razor blades, one being freshly stained with blood.

I sighed and looked over to Ross. He jerked his head up since Arin couldn't see. Ross had a long frown and nodded, pointing at the box. I felt a tear run down my cheek, thinking of Arin doing these horrible things.

It was my fault. My fault Arin asked out Dan. My fault Arin got rejected. I should have never told him to say anything. I should have kept my mouth shut for once.

"I'm sorry." I mumble under my breath. Arin looks up from his tear-soaked hands and stares me right into my eyes.

"For what?" His breathing started going back to normal. He was genuinely confused.

"I'm the one who told you to make a move. I'm sorry, Arin. This is all my fault." I admit, running my hands through my hair.

"B-Barry, don't be t-to hard on yourself. I-it's my fault f-for liking a g-guy. N-not yours." Arin smiles and gives me a big hug. I hug back. Ross' cheeky smirk was spread across his face, not in the usual sense though. He was just happy.

We stayed there until 2am. Arin seemed fine by the end. Ross' mom called, asking where we were. Ross and I left, but Arin stood at the door, waving. He seemed like he genuinely wanted to be alive.

I promised him that Dan was just as upset as he was.

I was right.

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