Ch. 42

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Arin's POV

Where's Dan where's Dan where's Dan where's Dan where's Dan where's Dan


I weaved through the crowds of people who just departed their planes and ran up behind Dan. His Dan was waiting for their bags.

I sneak my arms behind him and hug his hips. He's so skinny I could probably wrap my arms around twice it seems.

He was shocked at first, then he saw me and turned to face me. I kissed his stomach since I was so hunched over hugging his waist.

"Okay, dude." Dan smiles his award-winning smile and hugs me back.

We had to pick pull away as we heard his dad get the bags.

"Ehhhhhh Dan, ehhhhh.." His dad was so cute and innocent for a well-groomed man, "take your bag!" Dan wheeled out his bag with me to my car.

This is going to be the best weekend ever.

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