Ch. 48

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Dan's POV

"Uh... chocolate please." I stutter. The man behind the counter nods and Arin, his mother, my father and I lean against the wall of the ice cream parlor.

After 2 minutes, it's ready.

"One scoop of chocolate, cake cone.",

"One medium vanilla waffle bowl.", Arin's mom's.

"One large banana bowl.", my dad. He has never eaten banana ice cream before and, in his words, he likes to ehhh try something new!

"Three scoops of Napoleon, waffle cone.", lastly, Arin.

We all go out to a picnic table in the nearby park. I sit scarily close to Arin, but they don't pay any attention.

"Once you go chocolate, you never go..." Arin wheezed, "backolate."

We laugh hysterically and almost drop our ice cream. Out parents didn't hear since he whispered it, but they just awkwardly chucked and looked at each other, worried.

"Shut up, ba...rin." I almost called him babe, but I saved it.

I think.

We finish our ice cream and go back out to the car.

"This made me feel so much better. Thanks for suggesting this, Avi!" Arin's mother thanks my dad.

"Ohh, it was, ehhhh, no problem!" My dad nods and looks back to the road although he wasn't driving.

I see Arin take out if phone and seconds later I get a text.

Arin: Yo your dad is like adorable

Dan: Everyone says that. Lol

Arin: No really the way he talks is so innocent

Arin: Are you sure your related?

Dan: A, wrong "you're", B, I'm positive. I've seen the video of my birth.

Arin: So you saw your mom's puss?

Dan: I hate you so much.

Arin: lmao yeah okay hate you too ;))))))

Dan: Stop.

We put away our phones as we pull into the driveway. Arin and I dash out and back up to his room. We have to get back to work.

Arin was playing Battle Kid.

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