Does Anyone Object?

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Hey, guys! I apologize too many times, but I wanted to say sorry for not updating since the beginning of March. But I'm due for a new one, sooo here it is. Let's remember that Pepper and Happy were about to get married and Tony planned to stop it, but also the boys are trying to see who can win over Natasha. Oh and let's try and get a lot more comments and votes on this one guys!- TT :3


[The whole team and Loki stand in the living room, dressed up in tuxes and a dress]

Tony: Alright, head count time. Please say "here" or "present" when you hear your name called... Barton?

Clint: Present.

Thor: Present!? WHERE!? I wish to receive it! Please give me this wondrous gift-

Tony: NOT. A. Literal. Present. Thor. So Shut up and wait till your name is called like I said at first. Ahem.. Romanoff? (Smiles)

Natasha: (Smiles back) Here.

Tony: (Glares) Laufeyson?

Loki: I am here. But I do not see the point in this when you can clearly see that everyone of us are standing here in your presence-

Tony: (Steps up to him) Are you questioning my methods?

Loki: Um... No... I did not even ask a ques-

Tony: Shut your trap. My methods are amazing and you never question Anthony Edward Stark.

(Loki rolls his eyes, crossing his arms)

Tony: (Steps back, straightening out his tie and letting out a quick sigh at Loki, then smiles small) Brucie-Bruce?

Bruce: (Chuckles) Present.

Tony: Captain Spangles.

Steve: (Sighs, frowning) I'm not answering to that.

Tony: ... Despite the fact that you just did by saying that you weren't going to, so thank you. Much appreciated.

Steve: ...Crap.

Tony: Thor?

Thor: Yes, man of steel?

Tony: First off, I'm not Superman.

Thor: .. Oh, whoops sorry. I mean.. Yes, man of iron?

Tony: (Rolls his eyes) .. Secondly, you're supposed to say "Here" or "Present," remember?

Thor: OH! Right! (Chuckles) Uh, I am here and present.. I am heresent! (smiles widely)

Clint: Aaaaaand that was stupid...

Tony: Yes, yes it was. Obviously the two agents and Brucie are the only ones that know how to answer to role call. I mean, come on people, we went back to school for a reason. (Rolls eyes again) Okay, where is Hill? She needs to drive us!

(Maria hurries into the room)

Hill: I'm here! I'm here.. Are you guys ready?

Tony: OBVIOUSLY! It's time to stop Pepper from marrying Happy! I CALL SHOTGUN! LET'S HIT THE ROAD, JACK! (Runs outside)

Thor: (Looks utterly disturbed) Who is this Jack? Is this someone I should be aware of? Is it an earthling companion of his?

Bruce: I think it was a Duck Dynasty ref.

Hill: No, I believe he was copying an old funk song.

Natasha: Well, let's go now before Stark starts going even more crazy.

Steve: I'm pretty sure he already has lost his marbles.

(They shrug and walk outside the building and to the black SUV. Tony is already in the passenger seat. Hill gets in the front seat and the others get in the back)

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