Gym Class is For Suckers

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[The next day, before third period, Steve is walking to gym class and sees Clint coming out of the archery room]

Steve: (Waves) Hey, Barton.

Clint: (Smiles and walks over to him) Hello, Rogers.

Steve: Someone looks extremely happy. Did you and Natasha make out in biology or something?

Clint: I wish! Man do I wish! Anyway, no. I'm happy because I just came from my favorite class ever.

Steve: Oh yeah. Archery.

Clint: Yup.

Steve: I still can't believe that's a class.

Clint: Well, believe it buddy. I'm so good in that class they look up to me like I'm a god or something.

Steve: Wow. I can't imagine why.

Clint: (Laughs) Yeah. I know. Hey, did you work out any for the fitness test today?

Steve: Oh no! I forgot because of the whole parent conference thing! Did you?

Clint: Nope. But I'll be fine. You will, too.

Steve: You sure?

Clint: Definitely, Bro.

Steve: How do you know?

Clint: Well, I don't know, but I'm guessing that it will be fine. Just...chillax.

Steve: What does "chillax" even mean?

Clint: It's 'chill' and 'relax' put together.

Steve: Oh cool! Like the word "twerk."

Clint: (Frowns).. Um. No.

Steve: Oh, it's not?

Clint: Not at all.

Steve: Aww man. I thought I was finally catching on.

Clint: Well, slightly. You just need a little slang lesson. Thor does too.

(They walk into the gym and Mr. Ryan (the teacher) is standing in there, looking at a clipboard)

Mr. Ryan: (Looks up at Clint and smiles) Afternoon, Barton.

Clint: Afternoon. (Walks into boy's locker room)

Steve: (To Mr. Ryan) Afternoon, Sir. (Starts to walk into the locker room, but he stops him)

Mr. Ryan: Hey! Didn't think you could get away that quickly, did ya Rogers?

Steve: Uhh.. I don't know.

Mr. Ryan: Well, you're not. Give me twenty.

Steve: B-but...I...Um-

Mr. Ryan: Now, Rogers!

Steve: Sir, yes sir! (Drops to the floor and starts doing push-ups)

Mr. Ryan: (Rolls eyes) You call that a push-up!? Keep going, keep going, keep going!

Steve: Yes, Sir!

Mr. Ryan: Four! Five! Six! Come on! Seven! Eight! Nine! Ten! Keep going, don't stop! (keeps counting until he gets to twenty)

Steve: (Gets up, breathing heavily) How did

Mr. Ryan: Those were horrible. I would make you do 'em again, but I'll let you off the hook since we're fitness testing today.

(Steve keeps standing there, breathing heavily)

Mr. Ryan: What are you doing!? Get in the locker room!

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