Meet the Foster Parents

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First off, let me say sorry for not updating a lot. I've been really busy, but I decided why not give you guys a chapter today. Now, this one is probably not the funniest chapter, let me warn you. I'm not exactly the happiest with it, but I hope you guys will like it anyway. Plus, there will be a lot more funny chapters a head. So, let me know what you guys thought about this one. :)

[The next day after school, Fury, Hill, Loki, and their team get out of the big black SUV and start walking to the school]

Fury: (To Thor) And I call you Donald Blake, correct?

Thor: Yes!

Loki: And don't forget that I'm Walter Lawson!

Hill: We'll try not too. And also, thanks for helping us look like parents.

Loki: Oh, no problem. See you mortals, I can be nice and kind sometimes.

Tony: You could have at least hidden Fury's eyepatch.

Loki: Well, I can't do it all! I'm not a miracle worker!

(They go inside and Fury knocks on the principal's door. Mr. Anthony opens it)

Mr. Anthony: (smiles) Ahh! You must be the parents! Come on in.

(All of them walk in and Fury and Hill sit in the chairs infront of the principal's desk while the kids stand)

Mr. Anthony: (Smiles at Nick and Maria) Alright, so I guess you both know why I wanted to meet you.

Fury: Nope. Not really.

Mr. Anthony: Well, Mr. Fury, Ms. Hill, I'd like to discuss the topic of your foster children.

Hill: What about them?

Mr. Anthony: (Raises eyebrow) You haven't noticed? (Coughs) Um..I meant to say....your children are very...strange...

Fury: (frowns) How so?

Mr. Anthony: Well, when I met them Monday...they were just so...weird. I'd like to talk about each one of them and express my concerns.

Fury: Alright. Shoot.

Mr. Anthony: Okay, quick question though, why do you all have different last names?

Fury: None of your business.

Mr. Anthony: Oh...O-kay...

Bruce: The reason why is because um...they got us from different foster homes and each of us already had last names before they got us. We just um..never changed them to Fury. Makes sense...hehe....Right?

Mr. Anthony: Uh...suuure...(looks at Fury and Hill) But what about you guys?

Hill: We aren't married. We together.

Mr. Anthony: Oh gotcha. Well, now that I got that settled, let's talk about Anthony.

Tony: Gosh! I swear! Can you people please call me Tony?

Mr. Anthony: (Ignores Tony) He seems intelligent, but I believe he is a bit of a liar.

Tony: What?

Fury: How?

Mr. Anthony: He told me that there were gonna be portals in my office and teachers with blue, glowing eyes. I mean if that's not lying, I don't know what is.

Fury: (Angrily) How d'ya know he was lyin? He could've been tellin the truth!

Tony: Yeah, and I didn't say it would happen, I was inferring that it could happen. So get your facts straight!

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