Who Are You Taking?

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[The Avengers are sitting at the lunch table next Monday. Loki walks up to them with a paper in his hands]

Loki: Hello.

(They look up at him and stare)

Loki: I said hello!

Tony: Hi.

Loki: Where is my seat?

Natasha: Not here.

Thor: Brother, you may share a seat with me.

Loki: I'd rather swim in a pool infested with elctrical eels.

Clint: Buuuuuuuurn! Better go to the hospital, cuz I think that was third degree!

Thor: Shut your face, Barton.

Loki: I want a seat!

Bruce: There is no seat here. You're gonna have to sit at the outcast table. (Points)

(Loki looks at the outcast table and sees really wierd kids sitting there)

Loki: Um. No.

Steve: Then I guess we have no where for ya. Bye.

Loki: Hmm....Well, I guess no one wants to talk about the dance that's coming us this week. (Holds paper in his hands)

Tony: (Perks up) Dance?

Loki: (Smiles) Mmmmhmmmm.

Tony: Steve....There's something crawling on your shirt.

Steve: (Jumps up) AHH!!! WHERE!? WHERE!?

Tony: Loki! Sit in his seat!

(Loki sits down)

Steve: AHHH!!! (Notices Loki in his seat) ( To Tony) Wait a minute...There isn't really anything crawling on me is there?

Tony: Nope. (To Loki) Now let's talk about this dance.

(Steve frowns)

Loki: (To Tony) This student gave this paper to me. I thought it would interest you. (Hands it to him)

(Tony takes it and reads it)

Bruce: What does it say?

Tony: (Looking at the paper) There's a dance on Friday night from 7:30 to 11:00. It's formal. All students are invited. There's no admition fee. And you can bring dates from other schools. (looks up) Why am I just finding out about this?

Natasha: Oooh. A dance. (Smiles)

Clint: I know who I'm taking. (Winks at Natasha)

Natasha: (Stares at him).... Who?

Clint: You!

Natasha: Oh. Right....about that...

Thor: Uh oh. Does Romanoff have the hots for someone else? (smiles)

Steve: So...there's a dance. What do you do there?

Tony: Well, besides the answer being the word. You party. You party like there's no tomorrow.

Steve: Why would anyone need a date?

Tony: (Rolls eyes) You don't just go to a party by yourself, Steven.

Steve: But... I have no one to take.

Tony: Uhh... I think we all knew that.

Bruce: I have no one to take.

Thor: Neither do I.

Loki: I don't want to take anyone.

Clint: Obviously, I don't have anyone either. (Scowls at Natasha)

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