Biology and History

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[Natasha and Clint stand by the biology classroom door]

Clint: You ready, Nat?

Natasha: Sure, whatever.

Clint: Alright. Here goes nothing. (Slowly knocks on door)

Natasha: (Angrily) Really Clint? Just go inside!

Clint: But...I'm scared.

Natasha: You're a S.H.I.E.L.D agent and you're scared? What kind of mess is that? GO INSIDE! (Pushes the door open and pushes Clint inside)

(Clint falls to the floor and Natasha stands behind him)

(The students and Mrs. Madden are shocked)

Mrs. Madden: (Runs over to Clint and helps him up) Oh my goodness, are you okay!?

Clint: (Looks at Natasha angrily and then back to Mrs. Madden) Slightly.

Mrs. Madden: What happened?

Natasha: He tripped.

(Clint frowns at Natasha)

Mrs. Madden: Did you hurt yourself? Do you need to go to the nurse?

Clint: No, no, no, I'm fine. I've been through much worse.

Mrs. Madden: Okay. (Raises eyebrow) there a reason you two are disturbing my class?

Natasha: We're your new students. (Hands Mrs. Madden her schedule)

(Clint hands her his schedule)

Mrs. Madden: (Looks at schedule and then back at Natasha and Clint) Soooo.....Natasha Romanoff and Clinton Barton.

(They nod)

Clint: Clint for short.

Mrs. Madden: Alright, well I'm Mrs. Madden. It's nice to meet you. Sit anywhere you'd like.

(They start walking to a desk, but a boy, named Greg, stops Natasha)

Greg: (Whispering) Hey, chick. My name's Greg. I don't know if you know this, but you are as hot as the summer time. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

Natasha: (Grabs him by the collar) (Growling and whispering with her teeth together) I didn't come from heaven. (Let's go of him and walks away)

Greg: (Gulps) (Scared) I take that as a yes....

(Clint walks up to Greg)

Clint: (Whispering) Step away from the lady, GREG!

(Greg nods, still scared)

(Clint and Natasha sit down at the desks beside each other)

Natasha: (Whispering to Clint) I hate it here already.

Clint: (Whispering back) Me too. People are already hitting on you. Plus, I don't like biology. Can I just get to archery already?

Natasha: (Whispering) Yes! Seriously! I want to get to karate, so I can show them what real martial arts is.


[Steve walks back to American history class, after coming from the library. Two large seniors, named Brandon and Lucas, knock into Steve, making his books fall]

Brandon: (To Lucas) Look what we have here!

Lucas: Looks like a case of fresh meat!

Steve: What do you fellas want? (Picks up his books)

Brandon: (Laughs) Did he just call us fellas?

Lucas: Ahh....(Laughs) Yeah, I think he did.

Brandon: What's your name, beanpole?

Steve: Beanpole? Are you talking about me?

Brandon: Duh. You're the skinny one.

Steve: My name is Steve Rogers. Not Beanpole!

Lucas: Calm down, lil man. How tall your ya?

Steve: Why does that matter?

Brandon: Tell us!

Steve: (Sighs) 4'11

Brandon: Ahahahahahahahaha!!! 4'11!?? That is so flippin short!

Steve: Please stop bothering me! I'm trying to get to class. (Starts to walk away, but Brandon and Lucas push him back)

Brandon: Did I say we were done with you?

Lucas: It's not over till we say it is.

Steve: Get away from me. (Starts to walk away, but they push him to the ground) OW! (Gets up and kicks both of them in the balls) Leave me ALONE!!! (Runs away to class)

Brandon: (Yelling to Steve) YOU IDIOT!!

Lucas: (Yelling to Steve) Just wait until we see you again!!!

(Steve runs inside history class and slams the door shut behind him. The students laugh at him as he breathes heavily, walking to the teacher, Mr. Bradley)

Steve: I looked up the information on the geography of the U.S. I even got the librarian to print out a map. (Pulls it out and gives it to him)

Mr. Bradley: (Nods and takes paper) Thanks, Rogers. Hey, what's with the deep breathing?

Steve: Uhh.....asthma....(Turns around and walks to his desk)

(A boy named Derek puts his foot out, making Steve trip)

Steve: Ouch! Derek, I swear! Stop bothering me!

Derek: (Laughing) How can I, if there are so many reasons to do it?

Mr. Bradley: Derek!

Derek: Yes, Sir?

Mr. Bradley: Leave Rogers alone and get to work!

Derek: Yes, Sir! (Starts working on his assignment)

(Steve sits in his seat)

Mr. Bradley: Rogers!

Steve: Sir?

Mr. Bradley: Before you came here, we were talking about World War II.

Steve: World War II? No way! (Smiles)

Mr. Bradley: What, you've talked about it before?

Steve: Pfft!! Talked about it? I've lived it!

(Students turn to him and frown. Mr. Bradley looks confused)

Steve: What?

Mr. Bradley: (Shakes head in disbelief) Umm....Nothing....

Hope you liked this one! Tell me what you thought about it. Likes? Dislikes? What do you think was the most funny? Leave a comment! :) 

Natasha is on the side>>>>>>>>>>>

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