Hello, Walter Lawson

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[The avengers and Loki stand outside of the school, waiting for Nick to come pick them up]

Tony: Loki, we already told you that you can't stay with us.

Loki: Not fair! I wanted to come down here! It's boring in Asguard without Thor.

Thor: Aww, brother, you have missed me?

Loki: Ew! No! It's boring because I have no one to tease. I tried to play tricks on Lady Sif, but she threatens me with knives, and then when I joke with Heimdall he just gives me dirty looks with his glassy eyes.

Steve: So now you wanna come down here to play tricks on us?

Loki: Exactly. That's why I tricked all of you when I made Steve angry.

Natasha: Loki, you. Did not. Trick us.

Loki: Whatever. You just don't want to admit it.

(A group of boys pull up in a car beside them with the windows down)

Boy 1: Yo, it's the girl that went in the boy's bathroom!

(Natasha glares at them)

Boy 2: (Laughing) It is! She's the one that was gonna stab us!

Boy 4: She's kind of cute! (To Natasha) Hey, Cutie, can I have your digits?

Boy 2: What's your name, hottie?

Clint: (Angrily) Hey, you boys back away from my girlfriend!

Boy 1: (Smiles) Aww, this is your girl?

Clint: Yes.

Boy 4: Did you meet her in the boy's bathroom? (Dies laughing)

(The boys drive off down the road)

(Clint breathes heavily out  of anger)

Bruce: Natasha went in the boy's bathroom?

Natasha: Yes! I went to get Tony.

(Bruce blankly stares)

Loki: Yes, Banner, I thought it weird too, and I'm net even a midgaurdian.

Steve: The people at this school stink.

Tony: You're just figuruing that out?

Steve: Yes I am. When I went to school everyone was nice and sweet and caring. Now everyone's mean and stupid and crazy. What happened?

Bruce: The world's gotten stranger, Steve. Don't you remember your bet with Nick?

Steve: (Nods at Bruce, then turns to Tony) Sorry for causing all that drama, Tony. Or at least part of it. (Glares at Loki)

(Loki looks at him and nervously whistles)

Tony: It's fine, Stevie. Even though I cried for the first time in fourty years.

Clint: You're like fourty-two, right?

Tony: Yep.

(They fold their arms and glare at him)

Tony: Alright, I'm fourty-five, give a guy a break. Anyway, Steve, you can't fight fire with fire, so I'm not gonna get you back. Let's just settle our differences. (Holds out hand)

Steve: (Shakes hands with Tony, but gets zapped) Ouch!!! (Looks at hand)

Tony: (Laughs) Can't go wrong with the old hand-buzzer. (Shows Steve the buzzer on his hand) It's the next best repulsor-blaster.

Steve: (Frowns, but then slightly smiles) Let's just make sure our differences are settled. Are they?

Tony: Yep. Especially now.

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