Lunch Time

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[Tony walks out of lunch line to the lunch table where Natasha, Bruce, Clint, and Thor are sitting]

Tony: (Sits beside Bruce) I don't know why I didn't pack my lunch like you guys. Look at this! (Points to gooey stuff on plate) I don't even know what this is.

Thor: (Looks at it and sticks out tongue) Blech! That looks like the fresh droppings of a bilchsteim!

Natasha: Ew! Thor! I'm eating!

Clint: Where are your table manners, dude!?

Tony: Well, he's not wrong. Even though I have no absolute clue what a bilchsteim is....Anyway, how was everyone's first day so far?

Bruce: Chemistry was cool. Of course everyone called me nerd. What's not to expect?

Natasha: I loved karate!

Clint: Archery was amazing! I hate first period though. People are already started to hitting on Natasha!

Natasha: (Looks down) You're so short-tempered, Clint.

Tony: Hey, speaking of short, where's Rogers?

Bruce: That's a good question.

Thor: (Looks around) Yes. Where is he?

(They all look around for him)

Natasha: (Points) Wait...Isn't that him right there?

Clint: That boy with his head down?

Tony: Hey, that is Rogers!

Thor: Rogers! (Waves his hand at him) Rogers come here!

(Steve looks at them, and then looks back down and walks to their table)

Tony: Sup, Stevie!

Natasha: Hey, Steve!

Clint: What's up, Broseph!

Bruce: Hey, dude!

Thor: Hello, little man!

Steve: (Sits down and keeps looking down) Hi, guys.

Tony: (Frowns) What's up with you?

Steve: (Looking down) Leave me alone, Stark.

Tony: What? All I asked was-

Steve: (Looking down) I KNOW what you asked.

(Tony is shocked and raises an eyebrow)

Thor: Why are your ladies' underwear in a bunch, Steve?

Tony: (Snickering) Nice one, Thor. (Gives him a high five) I didn't know you had it in you.

Steve: (Looking down) Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........

Natasha: Steve are you....growling?

Steve: (Looking down) Yes! What's it to ya?

Bruce: Back off of him guys. First, Thor almost hulks out, now Steve? What is this world coming too?

Clint: This is getting ridiculous, Rogers. Why do you keep looking down?

Natasha: (Quietly and comfortingly) Steve? What's wrong? Tell me.

(Steve sighs and looks up, revealing a black eye and a busted lip)

(They are all shocked)

Tony: Whoa! Ha ha ha!

Thor: OH MY!

Natasha: That looks like it hurts.

Bruce: Ouch!

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