I Can't Believe This

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[At S.H.I.E.L.D Base]

Nick Fury: Afternoon Avengers! Sorry for calling you all in such short pftt.....hehe....um, notice.

Tony: Shut up, Fury! We all know you were this short when you were fourteen.

Nick Fury: Omigod! Hahaha someone hasn't hit puberty yet.

Tony: Can you please SHUT UP!? Seriously...who cares if my voice sounds like this? All of our voices sound like this except Thor!

Thor: I am a god! I always sound like this!

Nick Fury: Okay, okay, listen guys. So, after Banner's experiment mishap, causing all of you to be this young, Agent Hill and I decided it would be best if you all have to go to school.

Natasha: Whoa whoa whoa WHAT!? Fury! You can't do that! I have a job! I have to go back to Budapest with Clint! I have to-I have to....ERGG! YOU CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN!

Nick Fury: Actually I can. Until Banner and Stark finish fixing that experiment to turn you back into adults, you have to go back to school. We can't just have you guys roaming around the Hellicarrier like a bunch of bums.

Tony: Why not? That's what you do everyday.

Nick Fury: Stark! QUIET! Now, Bruce, how soon do you think it will take you to finish this thingy?

Bruce: Umm, I'm not sure, Director. It depends.

Clint: YOU BETTER FIX IT SOON! How can Natasha and I, you know....

Steve: Fondue?

Clint: Yes! Fondue...if we are this young!

Natasha: What!? Clint, we wouldn't even do that if we are adults.

Clint: Why not?

Natasha: Because...I am not ready for a committed relationship.

Tony: OH NO! Pepper!! What am I going to tell her!? She is gonna think I disappeared!

Steve: Don't worry, Tony. I'm sure she will understand.

Tony: Please don't talk to me like you know everything about women, Rogers!

Thor: I bet she will move on to another mortal man until you return to being your normal self!

Natasha: Don't tell him that, Thor!

Thor: My apologies.


Bruce: Yes.

Tony: I know we are friends and all, but if you do not fix that experiment or potion or whatever the heck it is, in a week, I SWEAR I WILL REPULSOR BLAST YOU BACK TO WHO KNOWS WHERE!

Bruce: Yeah, then I will just smash you into who knows what.

Tony:.....Fine, I won't repulsor blast you, but can you please get it done quickly?

Bruce: I will try.

Nick Fury: Now, lady and gentlemen, or should I say, girl and boys, this is where you will all be going.

[Nick shows them a picture of the school on a monitor]

Nick Fury: New Breeze High School. Looks nice doesn't it?

Natasha: No.

Steve: Wow, it's so big! What happened to the one room school houses?

Tony: We left them after the 1960s.

Steve: Oh, no! It looks so intimidating!

Thor: This school is almost as big as the Asguard kingdom!

Clint: I can't go here!! What about bullies!

Natasha: Easy, just get Banner and me to help you.

Bruce: Whoa, no way! There is no way I am going to turn into the hulk and beat up innocent children.

Clint: They won't be innocent if they are BEATING ME UP!!

Tony: Hello! Has anyone forgot that we are the AVENGERS!?? We can beat them up by ourselves!

Nick Fury: You can't bring your suits to school, Stark.

Tony: Um, why is that?

Nick Fury: No one knows about the suits yet. Once you were turned into a fourteen-year-old, your older self was erased. The only ones that know about you are me and the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

Tony: Wait, so Pepper doesn't remember me!?

Thor: Hahaha! I knew that this would happen!

Natasha: Thor, stop being so mean to Tony.

Steve: So, this means that no one knows about any of us?

Nick Fury: Correct. So, Tony don't bring a suit to school. Bruce, do not turn into the hulk. Clint, do not bring you bow and arrows. Steve do not bring your shield. Thor don't bring Mjolnir. And Natasha, don't um....well, I guess you are okay... besides guns, but you aren't allowed to bring those to school anyway.

Natasha: Sweet!

Clint: So, I guess Nat will be our bodyguard.

Natasha: Don't think so.

Tony: Exactly. How would that look if a girl had to beat up a bully for us?

Natasha: Well.....now that you put it that way....I might just help you guys.

Steve: Thanks a lot, Tony.

Tony: No, actually, she will probably need to be your bodyguard. Look at yourself. If someone shook your hand they would break your bones.

Bruce: Yeah, that's true. What happened to your six-pack, Steve?

Steve: For some reason, the mishap turned me back into how I looked before the laboratory experiment seventy years ago.

Thor: HAHAHA! No woman will want to get jiggy with you now, fellow brother!

Clint: You really need to stop being so mean, Thor.

Thor: Why? I have nothing to worry myself about! I still have muscles and a deep voice! I can beat humans up and still have the women on me!

Natasha: He does have a point...

Nick Fury: Alright, guys, so your first day of 9th grade starts tomorrow. Be prepared.

Tony: Ninth grade???

Nick Fury: Yes, ninth grade.

Clint: Oh, man I HATED that grade!

Bruce: You mean, we have to start high school ALLL over?

Nick Fury: That's what I'm saying.

Natasha: Eh. This is gonna suck reeeeaaaaaaallll hard.

Tony: I'm with Nat on this one.

Nick Fury: Now, get to bed! All of you! You have a long day ahead of you.

Steve: Are you kidding? You aren't my father. You can't tell me wh-

Nick Fury: ROGERS!!!!!

Steve: Goodnight everyone. See you tomorrow.

There's the first chapter! Hope you guys like it! There is Tony's pic on the side. I am dedicating this to 8justenjoylife8 for her hilarious chatrooms! Seriously though, they are freaking funny. No joke.

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