What's the Plan?

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[The Avengers walk into the S.H.I.E.L.D hellicarrier and slump down to the floor, throwing their book bags on the chairs]

Fury: (Walks in and sees them on the floor) Umm....What da...?

(They all groan)

Fury: (Puts hands on his hips) Rogers! Stark! Odinson! Banner! Romanoff! Barton! Get up, now!

(They groan again)

Fury: Don't test me!!

(They groan more)

Fury: (Presses speaker in ear) Hill! Bring me my Taser!

(They all jump up)

Fury: (Smiles and presses button again) Never mind. (To them) So, how was your day?

Tony: Eh...

Natasha: Eh...

Steve: Eh...(Rubs icepack over his eye)

Bruce: Eh...

Clint: Eh...

Fury: Let me guess, Thor. Your day was "Eh"?

Thor: No. It was actually quite wonderful.

Fury: (Looks at Steve and realizes his icepack) Uh...Rogers?

Steve: Yes, two bullies punched me in the eye and the lip. That's why I have this icepack and that's why I hate school.

Tony: Calm it, Stevie.

Steve: SHUT UP and stop calling me Stevie! It's STEVE! Got it? S-T-E-V-E!!!

Tony: Ohh...is little man still upset with me about what happened at lunch?

Steve: Stark! You're really pushing it. Which reminds me, I never got to finish with you.

Tony: Yep! You never did. Wanna finish it now?

Steve: (Steps up to him) I'd love too.

Tony: Sure. You start. What are you gonna do, throw your icepack at me?

(Steve clenches his fists)

(Natasha runs in between them)

Natasha: Tony and Steve! Seriously, you've got to stop!

Steve: Natasha, move out of the way.

Tony: I'd listen to Natasha if I were you, Stevie. She's saving you from embarrassment.

Clint: Really, Tony? You just had to say it, didn't you?

Tony: Of course I did.

Steve: Alright, I tried to vent away from you guys before, but now I'm about to vent on Tony.

Fury: You two need to back away from each other.

Steve: But, Director, Tony has been plucking my nerves all day and I can't take it any longer.

Tony: Yeah, and Steve has been bugging me ever since I met him.

(Steve glares at Tony)

Fury: You are just having a bad day. Maybe all of you can get a drink and a snack, and then work on your homework to calm you down.

Clint: Darn! I forgot about homework.

Tony: Fury, I'm missing the part were homework will calm us down.

Natasha: Same here.

Clint: Yes! Hey, wait, wait, wait, I've got an idea. Bruce can do all our homework.

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